Chapter 17- A lunch of love

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Sanem's POV

"I recommend you to have the prescribed medicines and go for a daily walk. Don't stress upon tiny things."

I said while signing on the prescription. Mrs. Turga was my regular patient. She smiled while I handed her the paper.

"Sanem, I had this question bubbling in my mind since the time I entered in your cabin. If you don't mind then can I ask you something?"

"Yes please?"

"Are you pregnant?"

I shifted uncomfortably on my rocking chair. My eyes landed on the newspaper where my whole thing was a headline. I sighed trying to collect words,"Ho-w do you kno-ow?"

"Because you are glowing. This glow is different from other times,"the good old lady replied.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Smiling a bit I caressed my belly,"Well, I am."

She congratulated me. Minutes later I was left alone in my cabin. I have an operation to handle and then I have a swarm of patients to handle. And above everything I was feeling hungry. Hungry to that level that I could eat an entire dinosour!

But at this moment where would I get food?Either I had to travel somewhere or order but I had no patience running in me. My toes pained. I need a hot shower. I felt sluggish.

The door creaked open and someone entered. It was the hospital clerk. He handed me a huge tiffin box,"Mam sir sent this for you. And he said to take the vitamin tablets which are in a separate box."

"Which sir?,"before I could ask he was gone. I was confused. But it smelled good. So good that I wanted to ravage it at once. My stomach growled monstrously.

When I opened the lid,my eyes shined greedily. I could feel the saliva dripping from my mouth.

There was a double chocolate banana almond bread,Chickpea Pita Sandwich,A big slice of vegetable pizza,Chicken-Feta Pasta, French toast, Cottage cheese pancake,beef pilaf and and the end a bottle of berry smoothie. I sighted a few pills in another container.

I had no patience to go after that person who brought me food thus saving my life. I digged into them eating like a starved human for days. At the end,there wasn't a tiny crumb around. I blurped satisfied as I chugged down the smoothie.

Then I took the pills with water. I surely ate like a whale and looking like one too!

But then who was this person to bring me food?

Might be Baba?


Anyone of them.

After my work hours finished I booked a can and went home. I heard an argument taking place between Leila and Baba. I was done living with three babies in the house. I went inside to see they had rummaged every single things and clothes were lying here and there.

"What is happening guys?"

I yelled gaining their attention. Baba had a sock hanging from his head. I removed it before glaring back at them.

"We are going to vacation. But uncle is insisting we take the cushions along which I find terrible,"Leila whined.

"Wait what? Vacations?But you know I can't go now that I recently came back from one."

Baba smiled continuing to put clothes inside his trolley bag facing his back towards me,"No daughter this vacation is just for two of us. You are staying back."

I scrunched my nose,"That means you heartless people are going to leave me alone in the house when I am basically carrying a baby?I can't believe you guys are impossible!"

Leila came between us,"Who said you are alone?You freaking have Jan around you. I talked with him and he said you can come over to his house-"

"Absolutely no!!!I prefer living alone but not letting that delinquent breathe the same air as me."

I growled. Leila humped loosening her shoulders,"You already are breathing in the same air. Oxygen doesn't come with premium packages."

I slapped my head. Talking to them was a seer waste of time. I just wanted to lay on my bed and sleep like a sloth. Before that I wanted to freshen up. But as I walked to my room,the tiffin thing crossed my mind. I turned back looking at them,"Leila,was that you who had sent me lunch toda-"

"It was Jan bey. How was the food? He was pesting me on the phone what to make and what not to,"Leila beamed looking across me.

I flared my nose. I threw a cushion at her as she faked agitated,"Not good at all."

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