Chapter 27- His cute dumpling!

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It was Sunday. Sanem laying on the couch, gazing at the small bump growing on her lower abdomen. He just went to the bathroom. They're lazing around today, in no hurry to go anywhere or do anything. He's only been gone a minute, but she looks around anyway, he's no where in sight. She looks back down to her belly. He talks to it. She laughs, but when she's alone she does too. She rubs soothing circles on her stomach, smiling at it. She never knows what to say, she just kind of babbles. But this time she starts to sing softly, it's her favorite song, their song.

"Here we are, on earth together. It's you and I. God has made us fall in love, it's true. I've really found someone like you. Will it stay. The love you feel for me, will you say. That you will be by my side, to see me through, until my life is through. Well in my mind, we can conquer the world. In love you and I, you and I, you and I..." She's about to continue when there is a swift kick to her stomach. She's taken aback, shocked until she figures out it's her baby kicking for the first time. She hears Jan approaching.

"What happened? Why'd you stop?"

"Baby kicked for the first time." She waved for one of his hands. He placed it gently on her stomach so as not to hurt her.

"I don't feel anything."

"Give it a minute." They waited, still nothing.

"Try singing again." He says, looking into her cashew nut eyes.

"Okay. Hold on." She inhaled and tried to remember where she was in the song. "I'm glad, at least in my life, I've found someone, that may not be here forever, to see me through, but I found strength in you, cause in my mind, you will stay here always. In love you and I, you and I, you and I, you and I, you and I, you and I." Another gentle kick to her stomach. She gasps and looks at the writer beside her. He's smiling, both his hands are on her belly now.

"Keep going." He urges.

"In my mind, we can conquer the world. In love you and I, you and I, you and I. You and I..." Their baby continues to kick, doing somersaults in her belly. They were smiling. Once she stopped peanut did too.

"You sing something." She says.

"Another summer day, has come and gone away. In Paris and Rome, but I wanna go home. Mmmmmmmm. May be surrounded by, a million people I, still feel all alone, I just wanna go home. Oh, I miss you, you know." The kicking grew little with the sound of his voice. "And I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you, each one a line or two. "I'm fine baby, how are you?". Well I would send them but I know that it's just not enough. My words were cold and flat, and you deserve more than that."

"Keep going." She urges, not only to feel the kicks, but because she loves when he sings.

"Another aeroplane. Another sunny place. I'm lucky, I know, but I wanna go home. Mmmm, I've got to go home. Let me go home, I'm just too far from where you are, I wanna come home. And I feel just like I'm living someone else's life, it's like I just stepped outside, when everything was going right. And I know just why you could not come along with me, this was not your dream, but you always believed in me."

He looked up at her.

"Another winter day has come, and gone away, in either Paris or Rome. And I wanna go home. Let me go home. And I'm surrounded by, a million people I, still feel alone, and let me go home. Oh, I miss you, you know. Let me go home. I've had my run. Baby, I'm done. I gotta go home. Let me go home. It'll be all right. I'll be home tonight. I'm coming back home." He finished perfectly.

They sat in silence while their baby calmed a bit from the private concert. He still has his hands on her swollen belly. She's watching him in awe. He's done this before, yet he looks like a kid at Christmas, like it's all new to him. She smiles to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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