Chapter 9- Back to where they started

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Sanem returned Turkey and joined her clinic the next day itself. She appeared a lot more colder and walking with an eggshell around her. She got irritated at tiny things and would scream at anyone who commits a mistake. She had already shouted over the nurse working under her. She had deleted all those pictures she had clicked in Dubai. She even threw away her depression pills.

Jan had told everything to Emre. For the first time in his whole life,Emre had actually taken something so seriously.

" can find someone better. Forget her and move on."

"I can get someone but not her. I just want her."

"But there's nothing you can do if she isn't willing to stay right?"

Emre poured him a glass of scotch. Jan sipped it like his life depended on that drink. Emre had a slight smile shinning by his lips. He wasn't a relationship guru. But after having his fair share of women he was experienced in that field.

"Then why don't you go after her?Why not try to pursue her back?"

For some reason this sentenced triggered Jan. He threw away his glass which shattered into pieces. Surprisingly Emre wasn't a bit shocked. He still had that mysterious smile lingering on his face.

"Why should I go after her?She didn't even listened to my part of the story. I absolutely hate I love I hate her...urrrghhh I can't decide. She messed up my mind. That wretched woman messed me up totally."

Emre listened to his drunken blabbering with an attentive mind. He sushed him down,"That's a news in a century!The biggest playboy gets tamed by a naive beauty!!!"

"Naive?My arse she is a fool!She said she loved me but preferred to break-up upon hearing some bitch out of nowhere?Polen became her first priority but I wasn't even given a chance to clarify my side?Was that fair?"

"But abhay you had your fault. You said those hurtful words. And this was true that you wanted to sleep with her. A girl with a virtue can't take it that easily."

Jan Divit was silenced. His long hairs running down wildly over his handsome face. He felt pathetic to consider Sanem the same as the others.

"I am going to kidnap her."

His childish sentence amused Emre who furrowed a brow clicking a tongue,"And then?"

"And then I will marry her and pursue her to forgive me. We will have two little kids....."

Jan blushed falling back with a thud. Emre checked him up and realised he was gone unconscious. His brother had never drunk that much until a girl entered in his life and did some magic. He couldn't chalk out what would be Anneim's reaction. He was suddenly interested in this woman named Sanem Aydin. He had to see her and take the matter on his own hand. Before things go loose and Jan actually ends up doing something stupid.

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