Episode 6

614 18 0

Nat narrates:

That kiss began to melt my senses, it was as if my body had gone numb and submitted to Max's lips. Then I realized that he is the one who abandoned me, I allowed my feelings to come out, pushing him and slapping him.

- Do not touch me!

- Come here Nathan!

This time he grabbed my neck to kiss me even harder; he awkwardly reciprocated, then pushed him again. But he grabs me by his wrists, putting them on my back and in that instant, I couldn't get rid of his kiss anymore, so I start to cry.

- Do not Cry! Sorry for hurting you!

- Do you think you hurt now?

- Didn't I hurt you? So why are you crying?

- Because you're as bad as her, you abandoned me Max...

- No I do not...

- SHUT UP! I don't want to listen to you, because when I called you you didn't come...

- Please Nathan!

- That's what I said... Please, Max, come get me! But you never arrived; when I screamed your name with every blow from my mother and cried in the darkness of that basement, waiting for you to save me.

He practically ripped off my clothes, leaving me with just my underwear, I felt extremely uncomfortable with my skin marked and exposed. He looks at me for a moment, then I see him fall to his knees in front of me and start begging for my forgiveness; but, I can't, forgetting is difficult.

-Max get up, I already told you that when he turns 18 and is independent, I will leave.

- That's what I wanted to talk to you about... Let's have lunch and I'll tell you!

As he promised, he brought food for both of them; I really don't understand my feelings, it's very confusing to think about them. On the one hand, I want to stay with him, because I feel safe and I still love him; but, my pain pushes me to run away to forget everything.

We sat at the table, you could feel a lot of tension between us, as if we had something to say, but we couldn't. Still, we finished eating, I cleaned up to help and then he took me back to the table; While he was reviewing some documents, he told me:

- I know you want to leave; If it was my decision, I would never let you go.

- To the point Max, what do you mean?

- I don't want you to go without knowing anything.

- Will you send me to school? At my age?

- No matter your age; if you want to go to school, I can send you; but that's not what I meant.

- Then what do you want?

- That you go to my law firm tomorrow; because my assistant will instruct you to learn that vocation.

- I do not want to go; tell him I don't accept.

- Well, I will give you only two options; one, you go tomorrow and learn to be a good assistant. Or don't go, but you won't leave my house either.

- What is your interest in me going to learn?!

- You want to go Nat! Understand me! I would give everything I have for you to stay.

- That won't happen and you know it.

- Just let me help you! Because I don't want you to live on the streets... Please!

- ... I need some time to think about it.

- I'll give you three weeks...

tok tok tok

- Are you waiting for someone?

- It seems to me that you are the one waiting for someone.

Max gets up, opens the door; I see two people enter, the first is tall, thin, with brown hair and half-closed eyes. The second was short, dark brown hair, fair skinned, and when they saw me, they both looked completely shocked.

- You may not recognize them, because several years have passed... This is Jimmy, your friend from town. -He tells me he pointing up.

- That makes you Tommy, my friend here in the city.

- Well, I leave them alone; I have to go to the office again...

At that moment, Max grabbed the stuff from him; but when he was about to leave, he smiled at me and it was beautiful, although I couldn't do the same. Also, I have three weeks to decide whether to stay by his side or I'd better leave forever, which is very strange and painful.

- Sit down please! - Both accompanied me in the dining room.

- This feels very strange. - Tommy tells me.

- Because what you say? - I was curious.

- Because we thought you were dead... - Answers Jimmy.

- What are you talking about? Why did they think he had died?

Between the two of them they began to explain to me that the day my mom took me away, there was a spectacular accident on the road. She took advantage of a mother with her son, who died in said accident and their bodies were unrecognizable due to the flames that consumed the car.

She put my clothes and accessories on the boy, knowing that he would be mistaken for me; then from her her clothes to her mother, so that they would believe her dead. I can't believe what my mom did, in truth, her heart was completely filled with pure evil.

- It was for that reason that nobody looked for me! They thought me dead!

- Nobody looked for you? What are you talking about? - Tommy tells me.

- Max hasn't told you right?

The second part of this story is that they called Max to tell him that my supposed body and that of my mother were in the morgue. But instantly, he doubted that child was me; at first, everyone believed that he was obsessed with not believing that he had passed away.

This pair of friends even explained to me that no laboratory in the country wanted to do the DNA analysis, due to the state of the body. So, Max, he sent my DNA samples to a lab in Switzerland, within a couple of weeks, the answer was negative, and so my beloved proved that I was still alive.

I stay at home, completely shocked by the story that this pair has told me, then my doubts are present. Right now, I'm thinking that Max didn't really abandon me; but that is not enough proof to show that he did look for me.

The following weeks, I realized that he spent a lot of time at home, as if he wanted to be by my side all that time. But, he hardly left my room, I thought a lot about his proposal to learn from him, and one day, when the three weeks were almost over, I went to the mirror to lift my shirt.


I wanted to tell Max I wasn't going because anyone could see my marks, but they were hardly noticeable anymore. I got a big surprise, I even screamed, it was when he came into my room scared, and I showed him my body, then we both started crying.

- My marks disappear Max!...

I Did Not Abandon You "MaxNat"Where stories live. Discover now