Episode 8

476 16 0

Narrates Max:

"Seven years ago"

My father owns a law firm, this was his lifelong dream and over time, it became my passion. He specialized in the family, so I pursued the same course, and studied legal law, specializing in the family area.

- I am the proudest father in the world; you are the perfect son, you graduated at 19 and it doesn't matter that you still can't practice.

- Thanks to you dad; but he already stops thinking about me, give yourself a new opportunity to be happy.

- Only with your mother can I be happy; I'd better wait to meet her again.

I saw her assistant that day, although she didn't catch my attention at all, at least not beyond work. Almost a year passed before she and I were able to strike up a conversation; under those circumstances, I liked her very much, but always as a friend.

- Are you single or married? Do you have family?

- I'm a widow.

- I'm so sorry. Was it just you?

- Well... We had a son, his name is Nat and he is about to turn 11 years old.

- A son... That is a good memory of your husband; It's hard to believe that you're a mother.

- Nat's father used to say that I'm beautiful and that I look too young to be a mother.

- Of course... Your husband loved you very much.

-I'm worried about Nat, I think he still hasn't gotten over it... Sometimes I think that I should have married again so that he wouldn't feel alone.

- That's nice of you... I'd like to meet him one day.

-Come to his birthday party! It will be in a couple of weeks.

When I saw him for the first time, I noticed that not only his father affected him, I knew that there was something else that bothered him. We were in the kitchen, talking to his mother, I explained to her to be more careful with him, that I could perceive that he was being bullied; and we heard him cry.

She apologizes to me, says she feels sorry because he is still sad about the death of her father and that he would go talk to Nat. However, I didn't think it was a good idea, for some reason, I saw her upset; so i asked him to let me go and stayed with him until he fell asleep.

That night, I realized that I felt something special for Nat, that is, I let him cry on my shoulder and no one had allowed that. Also, I like to see him sleep, it's as if he is calm and I would like to take care of that rest for the rest of my life.

I made the decision to spend more time with his mother; I soon realized that she was an interested woman, by the way she flirted with me. When I found out that Nat was being bullied, I couldn't control my anger, I wanted to put them all in prison for what they did to him.

The day Nat saw us kissing, I didn't initiate it, she took me by surprise and I reciprocated so she wouldn't feel bad about me. It was the second time I saw him cry; but now, I felt guilty for those tears, I don't know how, I just think he was crying because of the kiss actually.

I really liked going out alone with Nat, the day I got upset with her mother, my intention was not to return unless she went to see him. But, she talked to me and apologized for her attitude with Nat, she said that in compensation the three of us should go out to dinner.

Obviously, I loved that idea, because I wouldn't be alone with her, my kid would be coming too, so I looked for a fun restaurant. I found the one with the canoe rides and although it was very expensive, by Nat, it was worth spending all that money on.

Since we arrived, I saw Nat's eyes light up with the canoe rides, it was logical that she wanted to get on, because he was a boy. When she objected to the ride, I got really angry, so without her permission, I took Nat up to enjoy it and she did, she looked very happy.

- Why didn't you want Nat to get on?

- I told you, it's a lot of money; You shouldn't spend so much on My son.

-I know that he is not my son; but he is my friend and I just want him to have fun.

- Okay, it's clear to me!

From the ironic tone of his, she knew that she had been angry; A few weeks later I had a conversation with my dad and he approved of my decision. Although he wasn't the only one of hers, I later called her to meet me and tell her that he would marry her, but that he would have to accept my conditions.

- What conditions are you talking about?

- I will change your car, I will give you a newer one; but you can only use it to bring Nat to school and grocery shopping.

- If I want to do something else, will I have to take a taxi?

- You can keep your old car if you want, you will still have the new one.

- Anything else?

- There will be no honeymoon; I don't have time to leave the firm right now.

- It's okay.

- The next one is regarding Nat.

- Don't you want me to take it with me? Well... I think I could contact Jimmy's mom.

Is this woman thinking of getting rid of Nat to marry me? She's pretty crazy if she thinks I'll allow it! The only reason I am marrying her, is hers, her 11 year old little son and if he sends him away from her, there is no way this marriage will take place.

- Make no mistake... Nat is coming with us.

- Are you serious? -She looks incredulous.

- Yes, I will buy a house where we are all comfortable; including it.

- Anything else you forgot?

- I'll give you a credit card; but you will have a purchase limit.

- What you want.

- And the last one... My house, my rules; my opinion will be an order, is that clear to you?

When I was sure that she accepted all my conditions, I made her sign a contract, where she would submit to that. Some time later, we were already married, although the only reason I don't take her on a honeymoon is because, I don't feel like touching her, I just want to protect Nat from her.

Living together, it was easier to notice that her attitude towards my son was more aggressive than I thought. So I started the paperwork to have Nat's legal guardianship, so that she couldn't hurt him; and one day, the judge made me a request.

- I know that the mother does not know about this; but I have to talk to Nat.

-He doesn't know either and I want him to be a surprise, can it seem like a casual meeting with a friend?

- It seems perfect; set date and time. Because everything that the document says about her, he must confirm it...

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