Episode 7

531 21 0

Nat narrates:

I don't understand what's going on, the Doctor said that these marks might not go away, that I get used to living with them. Max came to hug me tightly, placed kisses on my forehead and head, then took me out to dinner in a fancy restaurant.

- I can't stay here, my clothes are not suitable.

- Then put this on...

He hands me a beautiful suit, when I put it on he told me that he looked like a prince and that he wouldn't mind making love to me right here. Right now I'm hesitating to be in a place alone with Max, because I think I'd be able to give myself to him at any time too.

We entered the restaurant, Max asked for the best table for us; then he approached a very beautiful woman. She is tall, with dark brown eyes, in her fitted red dress, very elegant; until I saw better of her and her account that I know her.

- Any?

- Yes, it's me, do I know you?

- I'm Nat, don't you remember me? - Look at Max and then at me.

- It just can't be! Little Prince Nat! She tells me she is very excited. - You got it back! She-she turned to Max.

- Did you get me back? What does it mean?

- It's nothing important... Any, have them bring me the same thing please.

At that moment I asked myself: how many times a week does Max have dinner in this place, so that he already has a favorite dish? That was very disconcerting to me, so I asked for the same thing to be brought to me and also permission to get up and go to the bathroom.

Lately I look at myself a lot in the mirror, anyone can say it's vanity; but no one has gone six years without seeing her own face. I finished washing my hands, then I walked out of there and accidentally overheard a conversation between Any and Max.

- You finally got your child back! The person you fought the most for; but you don't seem very happy about it.

- I'm damn happy that Any is with me! But, she hates me, Nat said she hates me and it hurts me. She says wiping her tears.

- Tell him the truth, so that he loves you again.

- What truth Any? You know, now that I have him with me, I question whether or not I abandoned him.

- Many of us witnessed that you did not abandon him; just tell him everything.

- No, I want to earn her love again.

- Telling him everything would be easier, faster and less painful for both of us.

- What is that you have to tell me?

- Ummm... That the dish includes onion rings; but if you don't want them, they'll take them away.

- Okay, I'll eat them!... For now, I just want to talk to Any, to ask her for a favor.

I grabbed Any by her arm to pull her away from the table, I had a lot of questions to ask her and I was scared too. Because Jimmy and Tommy didn't want to tell me anything else, they said it wasn't up to them; I just hope she does tell me something.

- What's wrong Nathan?

- What is Max hiding from me?

- I'm sorry, I can't answer that.

I feel disappointed, everyone is covering for Max, I just need someone to tell me the truth. I want to be happy next to Max; however, it seems that only through him will I be able to find out; I decided to look elsewhere, and there were still the canoe rides.

I ask Any about it, and she surprised me that that was the only information she could get from her, she explained to me about those rides. She said that a couple of years ago, they were closed down to be disposed of; but Max was already a VIP customer of the restaurant and forbade them to be removed, or he would stop coming.

- If Max stopped coming, the restaurant would go bankrupt.

- Would it go bankrupt? Why?

-Because he comes every night for six years and buys two plates of food.

- Invest a lot of money in this business.

-The most surprising thing is that he eats only one, the other he orders to take away and sits for hours looking in that direction.

My jaw dropped when Any pointed to the canoeing space; he has come every day for six years to remember me. With that information, I go back to the table in astonishment, have a leisurely dinner with him, and then we go home; but we didn't get out of the car.

- Did you go to that restaurant for six years just to remind me? With his hand he covered his forehead.

- Is that what you wanted to ask Any?

- You look like a grave, you don't talk to me! Someone else must say it for you!

- ... ... ... You got into a canoe there, and a few months later your mom took you away from me; she needed to get out of the house or she would die in the madness of not having you with me.

For some reason, this time I was the one who went over to Max, I had to kiss him, to make me feel that his feelings are real. He returns my kiss, things start to heat up, until my body hit the horn and we both jumped in fright; then we got out to go into the house.

- Tonight, you had to tell me your decision; don't, but if you still want to leave, we're leaving early for the buffet tomorrow.

- See you tomorrow then.

I got up early, showered, changed, applied enough lotion to make Max jealous, and went out to breakfast. When I got to the kitchen, he looked at me from head to toe, and I could see the effort he made not to kiss me, that made me a little funny; After eating, we went to the buffet.

-This is Ming, she is my assistant and she agreed to teach you.

- It's nice to meet you Ming.

- The pleasure is all mine, Nat. I've already prepared a chair for you here next to me, so you'll be more aware of the things you have to do.

Then, things got strange in that place, all the people who arrived, Ming introduced them to me and I returned each greeting. However, there was one that especially caught my attention, that of two boys who arrived after lunch.

- Hi Ming, since when do you have an assistant?

- Oh no, Nat is not my assistant; he is here to learn from me.

- Nathan? Lawyer Saran's protégé?

- Yes, that same one; so stay out of trouble, got it?

- Tell me something Nat, how come a millionaire kid wants to be an assistant?

- Me millionaire? What are you talking about?

-If his mouth were bigger, a whale would enter through there... Ignore them Nat, better help me, I still need to organize those files, in alphabetical order please.

I agreed to do what he told me, but I was shocked by what those two said and even more so when I found a file with my name on it. Opening it, I find out why everyone was right, Max should have told me this, because right now, I'm crying again; although it is happy.

He dropped everything I'm doing, even the file, I just ran to Max's office and invaded it, surprised he asked me what was going on. But, I couldn't say anything, my throat was choking up with the joy of my finding, so he walks over to me and grabs my hands.

- What's going on? Why are you crying?

- I found out everything Max... Please... Say those words... That I interrupted the other day...

- Nat... I didn't abandon you...

We both fall to our knees, while holding each other tightly and now it is correct to say, that I can love him, like when he was 11 years old...

I Did Not Abandon You "MaxNat"Where stories live. Discover now