Narrates Max:
Indeed, my father-in-law and Anny spent the afternoon together, for the same reason, I took the opportunity to go to the office. There was a lot of work to do during the week I was with Nat, so I decided to solve my clients' problems and that night, we went out to dinner with my son.
- I love dining out; but I would have liked more if you had dinner with me!
- Do not be desperate! Wait till we get back home!
A week later, between Anny, my father-in-law and Nat, they decorated the house and even furnished it for greater comfort. A couple of months later, they surprised us, saying that they had decided to start a relationship, and my father-in-law added that he decided to leave all the pain behind and give himself a new opportunity.
- I'm very happy for you dad!
- Take good care of her... Anny is like my mother!
- I know Max!... I promise you.
- If they decide to get married; we can do double wedding.
- Calm down little prince, we just started.
- But, we must consider that it is not a bad idea.
- Are you sure I know what you just said?
- Yes Anny, think about it; We are not so young anymore and it would be good to start enjoying this.
- Oh little prince. Look what you get me into!
Although there was no solid answer left, we knew they were still thinking about it; and the good thing is that they had two months to do it. Meanwhile, my son and I lived in a somewhat crazy love, or I think unbridled is the correct word, but it made us happy.
-Can you imagine if he could get pregnant?
- With the resistance you have, they would be quintuplets.
-Max! - Hit my shoulder.
- Hey, don't hit me! Do you want to be without a husband?
- It's your fault that I always want you; Besides, why would I stay without a husband?
- For so much blow I receive; You hit me being like this and while we're doing it.
- Do you want to check there to see if I'm not hurt by it? - Point my...
- NAT!
Between laughs a new round of kisses begins, I'm still surprised, that is, time passes and he's still cheeky. But, it is what I love most about him, that he is like that only with me; and more importantly, it doesn't bother me that he hits me, I know he likes it when I'm rough with him.
The only problem I had was that each day that passed was one day closer to the wedding and that made me very nervous. On the other hand, he wasn't the only one, Nat was the same; he even showed up at my office so we could talk about various things.
- I am afraid of having pressured you to get married in such a short time.
- And I'm afraid that the reason for this rush is not because you love me.
- I love you max! Never doubt that.
- But...?
- Well, I admit that the other reason; It's because you're nine years older than me.
- And what does that have to do with us getting married right away?
- Love, I will be 21 years old when we are parents; which indicates that you will be 30.
- Are you calling me old?
- No, I'm just saying that I want you to enjoy our children now that we are still young; I can't imagine having them when you're past 37.
- You mean that I'm still old enough to play with them, without complaining of back pain.
Definitely, my son is right, it would be very difficult to play with my children when he is a little old for that. Although, I would still be happy and lucky, because I know that with Nat we will build a beautiful family together, full of love and stability.
Nat narrates:
Time flew by, in the blink of an eye, the date of our wedding celebration had already arrived. The ceremony was something very nice, beautiful and humble; Besides, it was double, because yes, my dad and Anny got married the same day we did.
- I need to get out of here for our honeymoon! I said putting my hand in his crotch.
- Nat, we're at the reception!
- And what worries you? The table covers us! - I bit my lower lip.
- I'll go to the labyrinth, wait a moment and follow me!
The reception was held in a small garden, it was night and obviously no one would dare to enter the labyrinth. Just as he asked me, I waited for a moment; then I hid it so they wouldn't realize we were going to make love in the middle of the bushes.
- Come here my boy!
Honestly, it scared me to see him suddenly come out of a bush: but she vanished when he started to take off my clothes. He repeated over and over again that he too was desperate to go on the honeymoon with me, while he left marks on my skin, just with his lips.
- What are you doing? I will not lie down on the ground! -I complained when he pushed me a little.
- Come with me, I'll show you something...
He grabs my hand, leading me a little deeper into the maze; where he had placed some candles and a blanket on the floor. There were rose petals decorating around him and it was at that moment, that I felt his lips press against my right shoulder, wetting it a bit.
- My surprise is beautiful! How did you come up with that?
- We love each other Nat, and you made me addicted to you.
Slowly, under his watchful gaze, I finished removing the clothes that were still on my body and I could see his eyes full of lust. I lay down on the blanket and called him with my finger; it's beautiful to see how Max obeys me, because he also took off his clothes and came over me to kiss me.
His lips invaded me completely, he could hardly breathe, we were so hot that there was no one to stop us. Max turned me around, then applied a small layer of lube and without warning, he went all the way in, drawing a loud, loud moan from me.
- My child, they will discover us! - Mentions worried.
But I couldn't say anything about it, because I used his right hand to cover my mouth, making me unable to cry out in pleasure. His penetrations were strong and merciless, however, I'm used to it, I'm even able to beg him for more, because he's fabulous at it.
Our bodies shuddered, while a powerful ejaculation completely invaded us and we caught our breath. After cleaning us up, Max took out another blanket to cover us, he says it's so no one can see my body; then we hugged seeing the moon and the stars.
- Will you love me Max? Until the day I die?
- First of all, I prefer to die before, because I could never live without you; I couldn't do it Nat, I need you even to breathe.
- And in second place?
- I will look for you in the next life; to love you again... I did not abandon you in this life; but I want that in the other, you do not know the pain, I promise to strive so that you are always happy.
Actually, I don't care about the pain anymore, because I'm the luckiest person in the world; I am married to my Prince Charming and from today, our true happiness begins.

I Did Not Abandon You "MaxNat"
FanficThis is the English translation of my MaxNat story (Yo No Te Abandoné), the English name is: "I Did Not Abandon You". Esta es la traducción al inglés de mi historia MaxNat (Yo No Te Abandoné)