Episode 10

482 18 0

Narrates Max:

The first months passed, I was so disappointed that I accused the police for not having looked for him from the first day. I went out every morning with his photo, I asked everyone I met about my child and nobody said anything to me.

In the afternoon I went to the office, I was so lost in the notion of time, that I forgot Nat's birthday, my secretary reminded me. So, I went to a toy store very late, to buy the best remote control car they had, I wrote him a note and I kept it.

A few days later I realized that the search was not giving me results, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find it. So I made an important spending decision while Nat was with me; And that's when I called my accountant.

- Mr. Saran, what do you need?

- Get a statement of my monthly expenses when Nat was with me.

- And when I have it, what will I do with it?

- Divert the same amount monthly, to an account in my child's name.

- As you order Licensed, with permission.

My child turned 13, 14 and 15 years old; unbelievably, I still couldn't find him, I cried in any part of the house where I had memories. It was for this reason that I decided to move, I couldn't live like this and it was the recommendation that Any gave me, one night while she was having dinner at the restaurant.

I would give anything to see you happy.

- Only he can make me happy.

-He will come back to you, I can feel it... But, don't you dare receive him in that house!

- Why not?

-Think about it Max, his mother hit him there while you were away... I'm pretty sure he won't want to relive those memories.

- You're right, tomorrow I'll hire a moving service; thank you very much Anya.

That's true, Nat wouldn't want to remember it, so I immediately looked for a house the next day, a small one. What was required was that it had three rooms; the first for a young man, the second for me and in the third, I kept all my child's things intact.

On my boy's 16th birthday, I was focused on his diary, why did his mother burn it? So I checked the pages that were not damaged, in the first lines I realize that I am the only protagonist of that precious book of my Nat.

Each paragraph talks about me, the way he felt sharing a moment with me; and discovered his love for me. That was so beautiful, I mean, I don't care if they say I'm a fucking pedophile, reading these precious words, it made me realize that I love him too.

My Nat's diary made me speed up my search, I'm not willing to wait for the police to find it for me. The next morning, I started looking in towns, but no one had seen a woman with a child, one day, having a coffee with a sandwich, I saw her.

It was her, her hair was short and dyed, but he was sure of her identity; I went closer to see her name. There I noticed that she changed it, that's why we couldn't find her, but before she saw me, I called the police, then I took out the document that supported me as Legal Guardian of my Nat.

- I finally found you damn! Give me back Nat and I won't put you in jail!

- I don't know you and I don't know who you're talking about.

- It's you, I know you, with clothes and without clothes; Or have you already forgotten that you were walking around naked in front of me so that I could touch you and I never did? If I had, I would feel disgusted now.

- Let go of me idiot! It's true, you were never man enough to touch me.

- I knew it was you! Where is Nat? Say it before he charges you with kidnapping!

-He is my son, before the law, I did not kidnap him.

-Actually it is, you lost custody of him six years ago, here you can see it.

- You took custody of my son from me! You are an asshole!

-Give him back for good or I swear he'll weigh you down.

She looked in several places, which seemed suspicious to me; but I didn't see it coming that she would yell that I was harassing her. While they detained me, she took the opportunity to run away, although I managed to prove that she had kidnapped my child, when she left, she did not know what car she was in.

Until I managed to notice her in a car that was not so different from the previous one; I get on mine and chase her like crazy. In a matter of minutes, the police also begin to follow her, since I called to give the number that her vehicle had; and I receive a call from an unscheduled cell phone.

- It's me, Nat is where you'll never find him.

- Give it to me! IT'S MINE!

- Do you want to see how this futile quest ends for you?

My jaw drops when I see her speed up her car on a red light and a truck hits her at full speed. I get out of my car surprised, I run to where hers is, after being overturned by the truck, and when I got her out she was still alive.

- Please tell me!

- I'd rather die.

I was crying, while she was spitting up blood, it seems that from the impact of her, her ribs were broken and her lungs were pierced. Little by little they were filled with blood, and despite all the hatred I felt for her for having separated him from me, I stayed there with her, before she died she told me.

-She Is she... In... In... A... So... Basement... In... Find him... If you can! - With an evil smile.

Seconds later, she had died in my arms, many doubts remained in my head, but the police investigated everything. However, when asking the neighbors, they said that she lived completely alone, until the officers entered the house.

I received a copy of her file by mail, it hurt me so much to see it in the state that they found it, it was difficult. That same afternoon they called me, that my child was taken to the Child Protection System, and without hesitation I got there.

When I took him to our new home, I wanted so badly to hug him, but he stopped me and it broke my heart to hear that he hated me. The next day, I see him stirring everything up, I loved that scene so much that I was dying to kiss him, and as soon as I had the chance, I did.

Although I must admit, seeing his marks reopened the wounds that were created in both of us during these painful six years. So, that same afternoon, I left my Nat with her childhood friends and went to find a pharmacy, which had the best medicines to fade scars.

- We have these three.

- How should I apply them?

- You should water it over the affected area and massage a little.

I returned home that night, I waited for him to be asleep and at dawn I went in to apply the medications. Although I must admit that it was not the only thing I did, in addition, I deposited kisses on his body and from time to time, I regretted turning myself on while touching his skin, because he was asleep.

- Even with all these marks, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I'm dying to make love to you.

It was like that for two weeks, until he noticed it, I saw him so happy that I didn't mind having a couple of dark circles under his eyes, his smile is worth it. I didn't want him to go to the law firm, because that indicated that he would be going away from me later, although, with the amount of money in his bank account, he doesn't worry me.

But, it was there that he discovered all this; and now I am sure that he would suffer again to get to this moment, where he is sitting between my legs, with his back on my chest and loving us like crazy...

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