Chapter 1

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I woke up in a strange place, in a tube with a glowing white plate on the bottom. I was sleeping standing up? Around me, there were about 49 other random people of all ages here, also on their own plates. Then, an announcement came on with a distorted voice, "Welcome. I can see you have all awakened. You must be wondering where you are. Unfortunately for you, I am not allowed to disclose such information yet. As you can see, there are weapons in front of you. Well, not quite weapons, but you'll have to make-do with what you have been provided here. In thirty seconds, you all MUST fight. The person left standing will be free from this...experiment. For the rest of you, you will keep fighting until one of you are left in this experiment. The last person left in the experiment...let's just better pray it isn't you. Good luck, and don't get game over!"

Amazing instructions...

The tube sank down until it was no more.

Then, the countdown started.

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