Chapter 7

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As I try to force my entire body out of the corner of the room, I realize it won't work. Back to square 1. I run for the center, attempting to grab a weapon, only to meet my death by a different middle-aged female, one that looks like a Karen.

I realize Rachel, her partner, and Rose all died before me. Karen girl won this round, and I realize I placed second. An improvement. For this next round, my only strategy was to attempt to win. I ran to the center and grabbed a weapon, (looks like it's gonna be real weapons permanently now) and saw Rachel. Again!? By her side was her partner and Rose. Triple threat, should've known. I knew I didn't stand a chance and braced for impact. Just then, a teenage male, with a tan skin tone, mouse brown hair and ocean blue eyes, with an age of I assume 18, shape of an axe in hand, killed the three of them. He shot me a look that read, "Don't thank me, I just hate them too." However, despite that look, I thanked him anyways. He let out a low growl and murmured, "Don't mention it." He started to walk away, but I stopped him. "Why did you do that?" I asked. "You really are oblivious, aren't you? This is the eighth round, there are 42 people left, and you still haven't realized?" he said in an annoyed tone. "Realized what?" I asked. "They're playing us, all of them."

"Who, Rachel, her partner and Rose?" I said out loud.

The teenager shot me a confused look at first, then quickly realized who I was talking about.

"No, not them, the people who brought us here. I don't remember much. Everything's a little fuzzy. How about you?"

"Me neither." I responded.

"Alliance?" I asked, hoping I wouldn't get backstabbed if I asked.

"I guess. Name's Elijah."


Hmm...people...I knew something didn't add up. Guess I'll find out more later.

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