Chapter 2

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When the countdown ended, everyone was confused. A few people grabbed 'weapons' from the center and started attacking. Then, a girl who looked around 15 with pale blonde hair, olive skin, and green eyes, with what appeared to be a stop sign in her hand, came charging at me. I couldn't react. The stop sign was plunged into my chest. A surge of pain washed over me. All I heard was 'Game Over' and before I knew it, I was back on the plate with the clear tube surrounding me. This must be a respawn. I could still see others fighting, and saw the girl who must've killed me die too, so it was pretty brutal here. The black endless room had a tint of red after people started dying, which I guess I didn't notice before. It became more red after each death, and before I knew it, in a matter of minutes, one person remained in the red room. The winner was announced and the 20 year old looking man walked through a bright white door-shaped portal, and his respawn was left empty. "Concluding Round One" said the announcer, with a distorted voice yet again. Then, the countdown began all over again. However, I was prepared. Once the countdown ended, I shockingly made it to the center first. The room was pitch black again. I grabbed the first thing I felt and heard footsteps behind me. I swung and heard an agonizing scream. The room became a little red now. I...I killed someone. I heard a Thump and knew another person must be dead. Sure enough, another person was stuck in a tube and the room became more red. Suddenly, I felt a knock to the back of my head. The girl again! Okay Laura, think. If I'm going down, I'm taking her with me! With my remaining strength, I swung at her. She fell to the ground and I did too. I was back in my tube, however, I could see that she was too, which, as cruel as it may sound, enlightened me a little.

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