Chapter 5

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Despite dying the first time, I have decided to run for the wall again. However, I still had time left in my tube. The fourth round had not yet ended. So I had time to decide how I can see where the invisible room ends. When I realize there are two people left in the room, I also finished my plan. I have decided to grab a weapon and attack anyone in my path. Then I'll run for the wall. When I think I'm there, I'll throw my weapon to test it out. The Fourth Round concludes and I am brought back to the present time. The winner, a young teenage girl, (not Rachel) walks through the white portal and there is a 30 second intermission. As the announcer announces that weapons will be returning, I prepare to brace myself for Rachel and her partner, since for some reason, I'm their main target. Suddenly, a little girl nearby asks me a question, but I don't quite catch what she said. "What?" I ask, accidentally coming off in the wrong way. "Do you want to be allies?" This girl looked about 10, with fair skin, strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her because of her age. At least I'm 17 and almost an adult. This poor girl was stuck here and not even a teen yet. "Sure. However, I have a plan. Follow me." I said. "What's your name?" she asked me. "Laura, how about yours?" "I'm Rose." I was going to say something else, but since I didn't pay attention, the round already started. I ran for the center. Surprisingly enough, Rose makes it before I do. Yet again, I'm not the athletic type so...yeah. Anyways, Rose grabs what appears to be a knife. I can't make out the image well, because after each round, the room is pitch black again until more casualties arise. Rachel was behind me. However, I didn't realize until after she screamed and fell to the ground. Rose had killed Rachel. Her partner died at the hands (or knife) of Rose. I turned to grab a weapon after congratulating Rose, but felt a sharp pain in my back. Next thing I knew I woke up in the tube, and Rose was still in the center, with no one nearby. She backstabbed me! Literally!

I will get that girl, even if it's the last thing I do!

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