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"Elijah? Can you hear me?" I ask.

A groan escapes his lips and I start laughing through my tears. Laughing, because the guards and the woman couldn't take my one true love away from me. Laughing, because Elijah's mine, and mine forever.

"Laura? Is that you?"

"Yes!" I say. "You're okay. It's just me."

Everyone else looks astonished and amazed.

"L-Laura, you saved him." The man says.

"Y-You saved me?" Elijah asks. I nod.

Then he kisses me, and it's even better than the first time.

High heels interrupt our kiss.

"That's sweet and all, but did you forget about me?"

"W-Who are you? And what do you want with us?"

She smiles, a cold harsh smile.

"I'm Sara, and you have broken the rules of my experiment. Time to die."

"Oh heck no." Elijah says, and pulls something from his very large pocket. It's an axe. The axe he and I both used.

He doesn't even have to say anything, I just take it. Then I throw it at Sara. She dies instantly.

The guards suddenly shout with joy. "I'm free!"

"H-How did you?"

"I took it with me." Elijah says plainly. "Now, let's get out of here."

The sun is bright as we step out. The sun hurts my eyes. And then suddenly, the memories come flooding back. Who I am, how I got here, and even who Elijah is.


Then I realize we know everyone here.

Nathan, the man, worked at a hotdog stand. Rachel was a nurse at the hospital. Her partner was a cop. Rose was a child I taught at a school.

And Elijah... was a mafia boss.

"I-I can't be with you. I-I'm the mayor's daughter!"

"Laura, please! If we explain, maybe!"

"But you're in love!" Nathan from the hot dog stand shouted.

"Yeah, yeah!" Everyone started cheering.

Elijah smiles sheepishly.

I remember how desperate I was to save him, when he got shot. And I know that I could never live without him.

And so I kiss him again.

"I love you."


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