Untitled Part 15

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White flooded my vision before everything came into focus. Stacked on shelves were boxes and boxes of things, some labeled "IMPORTANT" and other's were labeled "SARA ONLY".

I wonder if she's the one behind this.

I must've been in a storage room.

I saw a door to my left and right as I was just about to open it, I saw the doorknob turning.

I quickly darted and hid behind these huge boxes.

Then, the door opened.


I held my breath, not wanting to be caught. The footsteps sounded even closer to my hiding spot.

"Is someone there?"

Please go away, please go away.

The man stopped talking. His footsteps sounded farther away and I heard a box from the other side of the room being lifted.

Then the door opened and closed again. I was safe.

I moved out of my hiding spot and waited, unsure of what to do. I wondered if another round had started, and if Elijah was okay.

What was he doing now? I thought to myself.

As if on cue, the hole suddenly reopened and I jumped back as none other than Elijah stepped out.

"Elijah! You're okay!" I shouted, forgetting all about the guy from earlier.

He instantly wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm okay. Are you?"

I nodded, hearing his racing heartbeat against my ear.

We ended the hug as more people piled through the hole. There was no Rachel.

As if understanding the thoughts in my mind, Elijah answered my unspoken question.

"We killed her as soon as the round started so she couldn't come with us." He smiled.

I did too.

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