Chapter 8

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I had decided to show Elijah the corner of the room. I stuck my hand out and touched the wall. "Knew this place had to end somewhere." he said. "Wait for it." I glided my hand along the wall. He was confused at first, but reluctantly followed. Then, I had finally reached the corner. My hand stuck out of the wall again. When Elijah saw it, he immediately slapped my hand.

"What are you doing!?"

"More like what was that for!?" I shot back.

"They'll catch you."


Our argument was interrupted by a young female adult, who tapped on both mine and Elijah's shoulder from behind, and well, I'll spare you the details.

Inside his tube, Elijah shot me a dirty look. I gave him a pleading one. He looked away. During the 30 second intermission between Round Eight and Round Nine, there was an announcement saying that from here on out, during the intermission we could leave our tubes. I went up to Elijah, and talked out a strategy.

"You can't be stupid and foolish, you'll never get out. You must fight."

"But why? I don't get it. Why do people want to see others fight so much?" I asked.

"That's none of our concern. Now when we get-"

I interrupted him. "What if everyone just refused to fight?"

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