Chapter 3

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Another round concluded. This time, I planned on grabbing no weapon and even though I knew I would die in this round, I just wanted to see where the end of this room was. So I could see how much room I have to work with here. Once the countdown ended, I ran to my left instead of the center. I ran for what seemed like about 300 feet before THUD! I had accidentally killed myself on the invisible wall. Oh well. About 10 minutes later, the winner was announced. It was a middle-aged woman with lots of muscles.

The announcer with the distorted voice came on again, but this time, it wasn't just to conclude another round. "In this next round...There will be no weapons. You must fight with your hands!"

Great...I'm definitely not winning this round... At least the girl who kept defeating me looked worried too. I heard someone, a male teenager, with caramel skin, short brown curly hair and what appeared to be brown eyes, say to her, "Don't worry Rachel, I won't harm you and if it comes down to the two of us, you'll be the one walking out of this room."

Rachel, I've heard that name before. Is that her...boyfriend? Or brother? Please don't tell me both.

Well Rachel, looks like you aren't so dark after all.

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