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"so sorry about that! are you okay?" lee minho, captain of the soccer team, asked as he looked down. he accidentally ran into the schools "outcast". the emo kid that nobody can be bothered to talk to. well, outside his small group of friends.

"i'm fine. it's okay." jisung got up, dusting off his pants.

"i've gotta go now..see ya around!" minho smiled.

jisung muttered a small 'bye', walking over to the table him and his friends always sat at in the cafeteria.

"hey ji!" felix smiled as his best friend sat down.

"hey lix, did you sleep well?" jisung asked as he hugged his best friend.


"oh hello jisung how nice of you to greet us." seungmin sarcastically said, gesturing to him and hyunjin.

"you'll live." jisung answered, earning a fry being thrown at him by hyunjin.

"asshat." hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"hey jinnie, hey seung." jisung laughed.

"that's better. why are you late?" seungmin asked.

"i bumped into lee minho and fell." jisung spoke lowly, embarrassed.

a chorus of "oOoOoOoOoooOooo's" were heard around the table.

"shut up." jisung rolled his eyes.

"realistically i could never see them together. minho is...he's a golden retriever boy. yeah. and jisungs emo." seungmin said, causing everyone to laugh.

"i don't know why you said that, i don't have a crush on him." jisung shrugged. "he just accidentally ran into me."

"okay okay, are you coming to math class?" hyunjin asked.

"nah, i'm skipping. fuck mrs. choi." jisung said, leaning back.

"jiiiiiiiiiiii you can't leave meeeeeeee." hyunjin whined.

"well...i have to." jisung shrugged.

"you're the worst." hyunjin scoffed.

"i know." jisung shrugged.

"and to think, i thought that college would be better for us." felix shook his head.

"i didn't." jisung shrugged. "i have a family dinner tonight so i'll be home late."

"fine." felix sighed.

the four best friends had decided to get an apartment together over summer. they didn't want to stay in their homes and they didn't want to live in the college dorms.

"alright, see ya." jisung stood up.

"bye ji." everyone said bye to him as he grabbed his stuff, walking away.

he walked outside, wandering around campus.

"hey fag." some random dudes yelled to him.

"that's what i called your daddy last night." jisung shrugged, continuing to walk off. he walked to the schools garden, taking a seat on one of the benches.

he let out a sigh, pulling out his sketch book and a pencil. he put his headphones in, blasting the cranberries as he sketched. he started sketching out the scenery in front of him, spending the rest of the day there.

"there you are ji!" his three best friends ran up to him.

"hey guys." jisung smiled, taking out one of his earbuds.

"hey, you gotta leave so you can get ready for the dinner." felix said.

"aw fucking hell." jisung groaned, closing his sketch book and putting his things away. "i'll see you guys tonight." jisung smiled, hugging them before leaving.

"jisung!" his mother smiled. "we have guests. best behavior." she whispered into his ear.

"hi mom." he smiled, hugging her.

"jisung." his father nodded, jisung bowing to him. "come sit."

"as you know, our public image is very important." his father started off. "so, we want you two to date. for the image of our companies."

jisung looked over to the girl beside him. she's pretty but he's gay.

"jisung, this is shin ryujin."

"i refuse." they both said at the same time.

"what?" both their parents were left shocked.

"i'll be friends with her. us hanging out can give more positive public attention. but i refuse to date her. mom, dad, we talked about this. i want to fall in love not be forced into a relationship with someone." jisung said, a cold expression on his face.

"i'm with him. we can be friends but nothing more." ryujin said, crossing her arms.

"here, give me your number so we can hang out." she's so cool.

"here you go." ryujin handed jisungs phone back to him, getting up and leaving. her parents rushed behind her, scolding her.

"han jisung." his father growled. he grabbed jisung by his arm, standing him up and throwing him into the wall. "what did i say about that?" he punched jisung in the face. "how dare you disobey me." he punched him again and again, eventually letting his body drop to the floor.

"see you next time." jisung mumbled, keeping his eyes glued to the ground as he walked out of his parents house.

he drove back to his shared apartment, bracing for what's to happen when he enters.

"jisung?" felix questioned as he walked through the door. "oh babe." felix frowned, walking over to jisung who started crying. "let's go clean you up, okay?"

felix led him to the bathroom, getting the first aid kit. he cleaned up jisungs wounds, putting antibiotic cream on them.

"another girl?"

"yeah. she refused too. she was really cool. we decided to be friends." jisung smiled.

"invite her to sit with us tomorrow, i'd love to meet her." felix smiled.

"thank you lix." jisung smiled softly.

"let's go get some sleep." felix smiled.

a/n: welcome to my new book!! i hope you enjoy, and thank you for reading 🫦🫶 i love you !!

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