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"the stitches healed a lot faster than i expected. i can go ahead and take the rest out." dr. choi said as he examined jisungs back. "you're very lucky."

"thank god." minho let out a breath.

"if they're ready you can go ahead and take them out." jisung nodded.

"i'm surprised the stitch that ripped is okay, but let's just be glad you're okay." dr. choi nodded as he began removing the rest of jisungs stitches.


"i'm free!" jisung smiled as he stretched his back.

"let's get you home." minho chuckled.

"hey...i'm sorry." jisung frowned as he looked up at minho.

"for what?"

"i feel like i'm always interrupting you, i always need something. it's frustrating." jisung let out a sigh.

"you don't have to be sorry. you can't help that your stitches ripped." minho replied gently. "plus, i'd much rather be with you than with anyone else."

"min!" jisung whined. "at least now i can go to your game without worry."

"are you coming to the after party with me?" minho asked as he drove back to his apartment.

"parties aren't really my thing...but i guess if you're there i'll be okay." jisung nodded.

"let's stay with our group the whole time. that way no one gets suspicious and i get to be with you." minho smiled.

"fine by me." jisung smiled.

"you know what? you getting your stitches off deserves celebration. let's get ice cream and invite our friends over." minho smiled as he stopped by a convenience store.

"i'll text the group chat." jisung nodded. "also, does this mean i can get dick tonight?"

"i was going to make you wait until tomorrow but you're just so needy." minho chuckled. "yes."

"thank god." jisung sighed as they walked into the convenience store.


"i scream, you scream, gimme that gimme that ice cream!" felix cheered as he walked into minhos apartment.

"congrats on losing the stitches." hyunjin smiled, sitting down and pulling seungmin onto his lap.

"YOU BITCHES!" jisung yelled as he stood up. "YOU GOT TOGETHER? YOU REALLY DID?!" he couldn't hide his excitement.

"yes." seungmin smiled.

"i never thought i'd see the day. i thought hwang hyunjin was going to cry to me forever about how much he loves kim seungmin." jisung wiped fake tears.

"wait, he told you and not me?" felix frowned.

"sorry lix." hyunjin smiled sheepishly.

"pfft whatever. binnie let's go to the bathroom he hurt my feelings." felix said as he stood up.

"lee felix you are not fucking in my bathroom." minho deadpanned.

"i was just going to suck him off but whatever." felix rolled his eyes.

"you know what will make you feel better? ice cream!" jisung smiled.

"shut up, traitor. YOU BETRAYYYYED ME!" felix fake sobbed.

"shut up and eat the fucking ice cream." seungmin sighed.

"okay. binnie let's go to the bathroom i have an idea." felix smiled devilishly.

"you're not giving him ice cream head in my bathroom!" minho shouted as his eyes widened.

"quit being so vanilla." felix rolled his eyes.

"felix, you're trying to suck your boyfriend off. with ice cream in your mouth. in your best friends boyfriends apartment." chan said slowly.

"ohhhh...we can go to the bedroom if you guys want to join." felix shrugged.

"hanji i'm going to kick him out." minho shook his head.

"please do." jisung nodded.

"you guys are all haters. bitches hate to see me thriving." felix rolled his eyes.

"yeah...sure.." jeongin said with a look of horror on his face.

"we'll anyways...congrats to jisung getting his stitches removed!" chan changed the subject.

"i don't ever want to go back to that house...but i have to." jisung sighed. "felix is your family's business party this weekend?"

"yeah. what are we all dressing up as?" felix asked.

"oh! i could be snow white and you guys could be the seven dwarfs!" hyunjin smiled.

"fuck ass no." jisung shook his head.

"it's okay, we'll go shopping and figure it out on saturday." felix shrugged.

"jisung you should tell your mom to be the evil witch from snow white. she could match with our theme." hyunjin snickered.

"yeah, and your dad can be the mirror on the wall." seungmin added sarcastically.

"couples costume!" felix playfully cheered.

"i can't with you." jisung held his stomach as he laughed.

"eat the ice cream before it melts." minho whined. "i paid for this you bitches."

"i tried to pay but you took my card." jisung shrugged.

"ha! you can't complain about paying." felix stuck his tongue out.

"changbin you'll never get head again cause i'm about to cut your boyfriends tongue off." minho glared.

"please don't." changbin sighed. "you couldn't do that to your best friend."

"yeah! he deserves a good suck." felix added.

"i don't even think i'm hungry anymore." jeongin sighed.

"anyways! hyunie, how are things with ryujin and yeji?" jisung asked.

"every time im over there they're in yejis room. with the door locked. and cigarettes after sex blasting. i think they're getting along well." hyunjin shrugged.

"this bitch is oblivious." jeongin sighed in disbelief.

"what?" hyunjin shrugged.

"they're fucking. and you're fucking slow." jisung shook his head.

"oh...ohhhhhhhh, yeah that makes a lot of sense."

"we'll have to catch up with them sometime." jisung sighed.

"if they can find time in their busy sex schedule." felix shrugged.

"eat your ice cream so you can leave." minho sighed.

a/n: hi my loves! how are you? i love you and i'm so proud of you.

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