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jisung ran as fast as his legs could take him. he ignored his name being yelled behind him, focusing on getting the fuck away from them. he let out a yelp in pain as his body collided with someone elses, hitting the ground.

"fuck!" jisung whined.

"jisung? are you okay?" minho asked worriedly, ignoring the confused looks on his friends faces.

"han jisung!"

"who's that?" minho asked.

"nobody don't worry hyung." jisung said quickly.

"why do you run so fast?" the man bent over, catching his breath.

minho held out his hand, helping jisung up. he pulled jisung behind him protectively, death glaring whoever was chasing jisung.

"daehee, hosook, hyunki, please go away." jisung said, hiding behind minho.

"they bothering you?" minho asked jisung, eyes never leaving the three.

jisung didn't answer, confirming everything minho needed to know.

"i dare you to do some stupid shit." minho took a step closer. "just because you never experienced parental love it doesn't mean you can take it out on anyone else. damn, no wonder mommy can't even look at you and daddy probably left. if i EVER find out that you even so much as looked at jisung funny, i will make sure you regret it. i'm not a violent person, but i will be if you keep shit up."

"and who the fuck are you? you think cause you're a pretty, rich boy you have power? no one gives a fuck who you think you are." daehee spat.

"excuse you?" jisung stood next to minho. "i don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to like that but it's not him. you leave him the fuck alone or family power will be involved. it'd really suck to see your parents lose their jobs, never be able to get new ones, and see you lose everything. especially your spot in this school."

"awwww does little jisung have a crush? how cute." daehee cooed. "fag."

"what did you just call him?" minho felt his blood boiling.

"fag. he's a faggot." daehee stepped closer to minho.

minho lost it, punching daehee in the face. daehee tried to grab minhos collar but was thrown to the ground. minho hit him over and over again, only getting up when he heard jisung sob.

"sung?" minho quickly walked to him.

"let's go." daehee said, quickly running away.

"sorry. i'm so sorry." jisung cried as he was pulled into minhos chest.

"holy shit minho?" wooyoung spoke, his jaw dropped.

"you guys go ahead, i'll help him." minho waved off.

"see ya at practice." san called out as they walked away.

"let's go home. please." jisung cried out.

"i'll take you to my apartment." minho smiled, quickly walking and just hoping no one would see them.

the two arrived at minhos apartment, rushing inside.

"nobody saw us." minho breathed out.

"i'm sorry for bothering you." jisung frowned, as he took his shoes off.

"hey, you're not bothering me. you could never. i'm glad you ran into me." minho smiled, gently kissing jisung. "are you hurt anywhere?"

"no, are you? you were punching pretty hard." jisung worriedly lifted minhos fists to look at them. "let's go clean you up."

minho chuckled, following jisung into the bathroom. he watched as jisungs delicate hands carefully cleaned his knuckles. he couldn't help but smile when he noticed how concentrated jisung was.

"you're so cute." minho chuckled.

"hyung stop." jisung blushed, throwing away the alcohol wipe.

"why did you start crying earlier?" minho asked as he ran his fingers through jisungs hair.

"i'm sorry, i'm just not good with violence." jisung chuckled.

"don't be sorry, i'm sorry. i couldn't stop myself after he said that about you." minho frowned.

"i appreciate you. how about we make some hot chocolate and cuddle?" jisung suggested.

"sounds amazing." minho smiled.

the two made their hot chocolate, making their way to minhos couch. they cuddled up together, trying to decide on which movie to watch.

"let's watch barbie and the twelve dancing princesses, it's my favorite." jisung smiled, looking up at minho.

"really? it's my favorite too!" minho looked down, gently kissing jisung. jisung kissed back just a carefully, smiling into the kiss.

when the two broke away, they put the movie on, cuddling close to each other.

a/n: how are you my loves? i hope you're enjoying the story!

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