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"hanji." minho said gently as felix let him into the apartment.

"no talking. just cuddles." jisung mumbled. minho just nodded, bringing jisung to his room. the two got under the covers, minho holding jisung close.

it was a comfortable silence that enveloped them, neither of them exchanging any words. minho just held jisung closely, leaving soft kisses on top of his head.

jisung ended up falling back asleep. minho looked down, a soft smile on his face as he examined jisungs features. he softly kissed jisung on top of his head, looking up when the door opened.

"hey just wanted to check in on you guys." felix said awkwardly.

"he just fell asleep." minho answered simply.

"okay. you can get up carefully, come eat with us." felix offered.

"i'm okay, thank you. i don't want to leave him right now." mimho answered politely.

"you really like him...huh." felix said, walking further in the room as seungmin and hyunjin filed in behind him.

"yeah. i really do like him." minho smiled. "he means the world to me."

"what made you fall for him?" hyunjin asked.

"him. he's just so perfectly himself..how could you not fall for him. there's nothing really specific..i fell for him because he's just...him." minho spoke quietly.

"what's your favorite thing about him?" seungmin asked.

"oooh.. that's a tough one. probably his heart shaped smile. or his heart shaped adam's apple. or his chubby cheeks. or the way his eyes light up when he's excited. or the way he's so brave. or the way he has the kindest heart any human being can have. there's a lot that i admire about him. and being around him is so comfortable." minho said softly.

"whyd you get together so quickly?" felix asked.

"because i like him." minho answered simply. "why should i wait? so someone else can take him away? i can't let that happen. life is too short to wait around for anything, really. we have to enjoy life to the fullest and love who we love without hesitation."

"you're a lot different than i thought you'd be." hyunjin shrugged.

"what'd you think i was going to be like?" minho chuckled.

"snobby, stuck up, annoying, a bitch basically."

"wow. i don't come off that way do i?" minho asked, worried that he was perceived like that.

"no, that's more of just an assumption. because you're the soccer captain, popular boy raised in a rich family, you know. we just kinda assumed you're a bitch."

"wow." minho mumbled.

"don't take it to heart. it was a dumb assumption and you're nothing like that." hyunjin said lightly.

"thanks?" minho laughed.

jisung woke up at 12:37AM. he was sweating, his throat was dry, and his eyes were swollen. but none of that mattered when he felt the gentle hands playing with his hair.

"hyung?" jisung looked up at minho, who was smiling softly.

"let me get you water." minho got up, going to the kitchen. he found the cups, getting a glass of ice water for jisung.

he returned to jisungs room, sitting on the bed next to jisung. he was now sitting up, the blanket kicked to the foot of the bed. he took a long drink of the water, feeling refreshed as it cooled him down.

"sorry..that happens sometimes." jisung mumbled.

"you never have to apologize for that sort of thing. i'm happy to help you, anytime." minho smiled.

"thank you. i really appreciate you." jisung smiled. he placed a soft kiss onto minhos lips.

minho smiled, leaving a few more small pecks on jisungs lips.

"let's just stay home. the professors won't notice if we miss one day." minho said gently. "we can go on a date today."

"but people will see us together!" jisung said, fear clouding his mind just for a split second.

"i meant here, silly. i'll go to the store later and get stuff to cook for us, and we can paint together, and listen to music." minho smiled.

"sounds amazing." jisung returned the smile, kissing minho softly.

minho laid them down, never disconnecting their lips. they held each other close, kissing softly. they lazily made out, kisses full of nothing but the blooming love between them. their faces were illuminated by the moonlight.

the two didn't need the world to know of their feelings for one another. they were content the way they were. just the two of them under the moonlight. they were happy together. they were a safe place for one another amongst their hectic lives. and they couldn't be happier.

a/n: what's the most romantic thing you've ever experienced?

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