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cue the wedding bells ☹️

"i do." minho smiled, drowning out everything that was being said as he got lost in jisungs eyes.

"i do." jisung smiled.

"i now pronounce you husbands, you may kiss your groom."

the two softly connected their lips, smiling into the kiss as cheers erupted around them.

"LETS GET WHITE GIRL WASTED!" felix screamed from behind jisung.

"FUCK YEAH!" jisung yelled as minho picked him up bridal style, carrying him down the aisle.

he carried his husband to the area where the reception would be held. where all the guests would get shit faced.

two years later ☹️

"hey angel." jisung said as he gently picked up their daughter. he woke up to their baby crying, assuring minho that he'd take care of her.

"let her sleep in the bed with us." minho sleepily mumbled.

"nabi, let's go sleep with appa." jisung smiled.

minho got her pillows ready while jisung laid down, gently rubbing her back.

"i'll let her fall back asleep on me and then i'll lay her down." jisung smiled softly.

"okay love." minho nodded.

"go back to sleep, you've got work in the morning." jisung chuckled.

"kiss first?" minho said as he leaned forward.

jisung giggled, placing a gentle kiss onto minhos lips. minho smiled, satisfied as he laid back down.

"good night nabi." jisung smiled as he noticed their daughter falling back asleep.


"have a good day at work." jisung gave minho a quick kiss before he left.

"i own my own dance studio. i'll try." minho deadpanned. "bye nabi." minho left a gentle kiss on top of her head.

"let me warm up your milk." jisung said as he laid the baby in her crib.

they'd gotten her a crib for every room basically, never leaving their daughter out of their sight unless it was her nap time or bed time.

"honey i'm home!" felix announced as he walked into jisungs house.

"don't you work for my husband?" jisung questioned as he took the baby bottle out of the microwave.

"yeah. what is he gonna do? fire me?" felix playfully rolled his eyes.

"i'm sure if i tell him to he would." jisung said as he picked nabi up, placing the nipple of the bottle in her mouth.

"you wouldn't." felix dramatically gasped.

"go to work!" jisung groaned.

"fine, i won't be late then!" felix put his hands up as he grabbed a slice of bread, leaving.

"your god father." jisung shook his head, wiping the milk that was leaking down nabis chin.

"i can't wait for you to be old enough to talk back to me." jisung sighed.

nabi, age 6...

oh how jisung wished his daughter couldn't talk back to him.

"i want to wear this one! you're tasteless!" nabi yelled.

"baby, please!" jisung pleaded. "the romper is cute isn't it? it's too hot outside for long sleeves!"

"APPA!" nabi yelled for minho.

"okay angel, you're going to be late to school and we're both going to be late for work if you don't listen to dad." minho said as he walked into her room.

"but i don't want to wear that!" nabi yelled.

"okay, how about this. you can choose a different outfit that you want to wear but it has to be short sleeved." minho offered.

"hmmm...fine." she agreed.

"thanks min." jisung sighed as he stood up, hanging the romper back up.

"always my love." minho placed a kiss onto jisungs cheek as he walked out of the room.

"can i wear this?" nabi asked as she held up the outfit she wanted.

"okay. i'm gonna go make breakfast, you get dressed." jisung smiled as he pat her head.

"daddy?" nabi said as she sat at the table.

"yes angel?" jisung responded as he set the plate on the table.

"i'm sorry." she frowned.

jisung knelt in front of her, holding her hands. "for what?"

"for yelling at you and arguing with you this morning..." she spoke lowly.

"it's okay angel. daddy is sorry for not letting you wear what you wanted to. do you understand that it's too hot for that?" jisung spoke gently.

"yes." she gave a small nod.

"okay angel. now, eat your breakfast so you can have an amazing day at school!" jisung pat her head as he stood up.

"you handled that well." minho smiled as he sat down.

"thank you for your help." jisung sighed as he took a seat.

"i love you." minho smiled.

"i love you." jisung responded.

"what about me?" nabi frowned.

"we love you nabi!" the spike in sync, watching the smile appear on nabis face.

"i love you daddy, i love you appa." nabi smiled.

the end ☹️

a/n: thank you so much for reading 'softly'! i love you all so much and i really do appreciate your support. i'll see you guys in my next book <3

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