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"where are we?" wooyoung rubbed his eyes as he sat up.

"i'm going to be honest, i don't know." san sighed.

"hello?" wooyoung called out.

"you're up!" minho said as he walked out of his room.

"oh, hey minho." wooyoung smiled.

"yep, hi, you should leave now." minho urged.

"what's the rush?" san asked.

"you guys should really get home and shower and get ready." minho replied quickly.

"cant we eat here?" wooyoung whined.

"i have something i need to take care of, you need to leave." minho pushed.

"you're acting weird these days.." wooyoung raised an eyebrow at him.

"cause i have my own private life that has nothing to do with anyone, doesn't concern anyone, and i deserve to keep it that way until i decide to tell the world. i am my own person. people pleasing to keep everyone happy all the time is so fucking exhausting! can you guys just respect my privacy, please?" minho snapped.

"sorry. we'll leave now. thank you for letting us sleep here." wooyoung bowed.

"wait, wooyoung. i'm sorry i didn't mean to snap like that." minho sighed.

"it's okay, really. you said what you needed to and i'm glad you did. see you at practice, captain." wooyoung smiled.

"sorry, and thank you again." san bowed.

minho let out a breath as the door closed, hearing the couple giggling as they left. jisung exited the room, wrapping his arms around minho.

"did i wake you?" minho asked gently.

"no, it's okay." jisung smiled, connecting their lips.

"sorry i forgot my-" wooyoung froze in the doorway.

the two pulled apart quickly, looking at the other couple awkwardly.

"you're back?!" minho chuckled awkwardly.

"i forgot my phone, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to interrupt." wooyoung smiled as he walked into the living room.

"you guys can't tell anyone about this, seriously." minho said quickly.

"dont worry captain, your secret is safe with us. we used to be secret too, before san came out." wooyoung smiled.

"thank you, i'll treat you guys to drinks, whatever you want." minho sighed.

"hey, you don't need to do that. we're keeping your secret because we respect you, not because we want something." san shook his head.

"i know a secret gay bar, it's underground. i can treat you guys to drinks there sometime." wooyoung smiled.

"i appreciate it." minho smiled.

"of course." san returned his smile, wrapping his arms around wooyoung.

"we'll be on our way, see you at practice." wooyoung bowed.

"im so sorry." jisung sighed as he heard the door shut. "it's all my fault, if i would've just stayed in bed-"

"hey." minho cut off his rambling. "it's no one's fault. nobody knew that would happen. and let's just be glad they're good people, yeah?" he spoke gently. jisung nodded against his chest. "let's get you back in bed." minho smiled.

"thanks min." jisung smiled.

"always. want some kimchi fried rice for breakfast?" minho asked as he lead jisung back into his room.

"yes please."

"egg sunny side up?"

"you know it." jisung smiled, placing a gentle kiss onto minhos lips.


"why are we standing around? we got drills to do!" minho called out as he jogged over to his team.

"sorry captain!" the boys called back, taking off. minho ran behind them, calling out what drills to do as they circled the field.

"minho! you should join us tonight!" beomgyu called out, slinging his arm over minhos shoulder.

"i can't, sorry. and i better not have anymore of you guys show up to my apartment drunk in the middle of the night." he squinted at wooyoung and san.

"won't happen again." wooyoung put his hands up in defense.

"you never join us for drinks." beomgyu frowned.

"believe it or not, i have a life outside of school." minho chuckled.

"fine. but when you have free time you have to invite us out!"

"choi beomgyu i'll bench you in tomorrows game." minho warned.

"are you at least coming to the after party if we win the game?" yunho asked.

"maybe. but if i do i'm bringing my friends." minho shrugged.

"i'm counting on you lee minho!" beomgyu cheered.

"one sec." minho walked away as his phone rang.

"min." jisung was taking deep breaths as minho answered.

"what's wrong?" minho asked worriedly.

"one of my stitches ripped when i sat up. it's not bleeding or anything but it hurt." jisung said on the other line.

"fuck...okay i'm coming to get you." minho said quickly.

"okay...thank you min."

"of course. give me ten minutes." minho hung up, rushing back over.

"you good?" hongjoong asked.

"practice is over, i've gotta go. i have an emergency." minho spoke quickly. tears welled up in his eyes as worry filled his heart and stomach.

"you go ahead, we'll clean up the field." san smiled.

minho grabbed his bag, sprinting to his car. he sped to his apartment, turning ten minutes into five. he ran up the stairs, throwing his door open.

"hanji." he panted out.

"leemin." jisung frowned.

"stay there, i'll get you. are you okay?" minho said quickly.

"yeah, just uncomfortable." jisung nodded.

"let's get you to the emergency room." minho breathed out.

a/n: how are you my loves? happy birthday stay! i love you all so much. thank you for being a home and a family to me <3

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