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"my parents are blowing up my phone." jisung groaned, letting the call from his mother ring through.

"no phones today. just us time." minho said, taking the phone. he pulled his phone out, shutting them both completely off. he put them in jisungs room on his bed side table, rejoining jisung on the couch.

"masks, hat, and baggy clothes. then we can hold hands in public and no one will be able to see our faces or make out our bodies." minho said as he sat down.

"easy, have you seen my wardrobe?" jisung smiled proudly.

"baby your wardrobe is a mess." minho chuckled. "it's okay though, mine is too. i get it. let's get changed and go get ingredients to cook together."

"can we bake a cheesecake too?" jisung asked.

"anything for you my love." minho smiled, leaving a soft kiss on jisungs lips.

and so the two got dressed in baggy clothes, bucket hats, and masks. they grabbed their wallets, walking out of the apartment hand in hand. they went to minhos car, driving to the nearest store.

"what are we making today?" jisung asked as they got out of the car.

"home-made pizzas." minho spoke with a smile that no one else could see.

"really! yayyyy!" jisung cheered.

"let's get all the ingredients." minho grabbed a shopping cart, the two gathering all the ingredients they'd need.

"i'll pay." jisung said as they approached the register.

"no it's okay, i'll do it." minho put all the items onto the conveyor belt. they both pulled out black cards, waiting for the cashier, who looked very shocked, to finish scanning their items.

"hyung let me pay!" jisung whined.

"absolutely not." minho shook his head.


"i cant."

"why not?"

"cause. let me pay." minho spoke sternly.

jisung frowned, putting his card away.

"that'll be 319,761.28 won" the cashier spoke.

"thank you." minho said as he payed, jisung silently grabbing the bags.

they walked to the car in silence, getting in and sitting there for a minute.

"are you upset that i paid?" minho asked gently.

"are you mad at me?" jisung asked with tears in his eyes.

"what? of course not my love." minho pulled jisung into a hug.

"i just- you sounded annoyed. i'm sorry for being so anno-" jisungs words were cut off by minho.

"hey. you're not annoying." minho pulled away, lifting their bucket hats some so he could look into jisungs eyes. "what kind of boyfriend would i be to let you pay? and besides, this whole day is about us. it's bonding time for us. and it was my idea so i should be the one to pay."

"i'm sorry for ruining this." jisung sighed as minho wiped his tears.

"hey, don't be sorry. i'm glad you feel safe enough with me to communicate how you felt." minho smiled.

"you're really sweet." jisung smiled, sniffling a little.

"your lips are sweeter." minho winked. "are you okay?"

"yeah, sorry. i'm very sensitive sometimes." jisung chuckled.

"that's okay. let's get back to your apartment." minho said with a soft smile.

"let's go." jisung smiled back.

the two drove back to jisungs apartment, scream singing twice songs in the car together.

"okay, let's make some pizza!!" minho shouted, taking off his mask and hat as they entered.

"and you know for sure what you're doing? i can't afford- yes i can. i don't want to burn the apartment down." jisung giggled as he took his hat and mask off.

"yes. while we're letting the dough rest, let's change into comfy clothes and do face masks." minho said as he took the bags from jisung, placing them on the counter.

"okay!" jisung smiled excitedly.

"what movie do you want me to put on for background noise?" jisung asked.

"put on behind cut, it's a show. please and thank you." minho smiled.

"YES OH EM GEE." jisung jumped.

minho giggled at jisungs action, emptying their grocery bags so they can make the pizza dough.

"i want to throw flour at you but i don't feel like cleaning the mess." jisung laughed as he wrapped his arms around minhos waist.

"well, i'll let you draw on my face with it. how's that?" minho asked, joining his boyfriends laughter.

"yay!" jisung turned minho around so he was facing him.

jisung connected their lips in a gentle kiss, reaching behind them and opening the flour. he got some on his index finger, pulling away from the kiss.

he booped minhos nose, covering it in the flour. minho giggled as jisung got more flour, drawing careful lines on minhos cheeks.

"i have to take a picture." jisung ran to grab his camera, taking a picture of the whiskers he drew on minhos face.

minho got flour on his index finger, quickly drawing a heart on minhos cheek. the two giggled, minho carefully taking the camera to take pictures of jisung.

"okay, let's make pizzas now." minho giggled.

"cmon." jisung nodded, standing next to minho as he taught him how to make the dough.

once they were letting the dough rest, they changed into hoodies and sweatpants, jisung claiming that fuzzy socks were a must. they washed their faces, applying each other's face masks.

"you're the best." jisung giggled, stealing a kiss from minho.

"not too quick, your mask could fall off." minho reconnected their lips into a slower kiss. he took his time, enjoying the feeling of jisungs lips on his.

"let's go watch behind cut." jisung smiled as he broke the kiss.

"let's go." minho smiled back, intertwining their fingers.

a/n: i'm very sad tonight.

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