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"lee, are you going out for drinks with us?" wooyoung asked.

"it'll be so fun, come on." yeonjun urged as he took a seat on the bench.

"cant, sorry." minho politely smiled.

"oh come on! what's so important that you can't go out and have some drinks?" san whined.

"it's really none of your guys business. get out there before i bench you all at the next game." minho snapped.

"damn, why are you being a dick?" wooyoung frowned.

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to come off that way. but you guys can be really pushy sometimes. i deserve privacy too." minho sighed.

"it's okay, we're sorry." san gave a small smile.

"hey, i meant it when i said get back out there." minho chuckled.

the three boys around him got up, rushing back to the field. minho felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, quickly answering it.

"hi my love." he said quietly.

"on your way home can you pick up a cheesecake?" jisung asked.

"yeah of course! strawberry?" he smiled.

"yes please."

"do we need anything else?" minho asked.

"no. but if you go to auntie kims café and tell her it's for me she'll give it to you for free."

"okay, i'll be sure to get one on the way home." minho smiled while thinking about going home to his boyfriend.

"thank you thank you thank youuuuu!" jisung excitedly smiled.

"of course. i've gotta go now, i'll see you soon."

"bye leemin."

"bye hanji." minho ended the call, unable to get rid of the smile that had spread across his face.

"what's got you all smiley?" hongjoong panted as he grabbed his water bottle.

"nothing." minho replied.

"hmmmmm...okay...." hongjoong eyed him. "you never make time for the team anymore." he frowned.

"you guys will be okay." minho chuckled.

"cmon lee, we miss you!"

"hongjoong, get back out there." he replied flatly.

"okay okay." he held his hands up in defense.


"honey! i'm home!" minho yelled as he entered his apartment.

"MIN!" jisung yelled, slowly sitting up.

minho set the cheesecake on the counter, rushing into his room.

"i missed you so much." he said as he wrapped his arms around jisung.

"i missed you so much! only one more week and then i get my stitches off." he sighed.

"i know. how's your back been feeling?" minho asked as he pressed his lips against jisungs.

"it doesn't hurt, but i'm tired of having to be careful of how i move." jisung smiled.

"i know baby, but it's only one more week." minho returned his smile. "let's go eat some cheesecake." he pulled jisung to sit up, picking him up off the bed princess style.

"min!" jisung giggled as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriends neck.

minho pressed a kiss onto jisungs cheek as he set him down in a chair, opening up the cheesecake. he placed two slices onto a plate, grabbing two forks and sitting down next to jisung.

"thank you min." jisung smiled softly.

"anything for you." minho returned his smile, offering him a bite of cheesecake. jisung happily accepted, doing a little happy dance.

"auntie kim makes the best cheesecake."

"i agree, it's so good." minho nodded.

"when's your next game?" jisung asked.

"this weekend."

"i'm gonna miss it, cause my back." jisung frowned.

"i didn't think you were a sports guy." minho chuckled.

"i have to support my boyfriend! even if we're not openly dating."

"okay how about this. if your friends go with you and make sure you don't strain your back, you can go." minho smiled.

"yay yay yay!" jisung smiled. "thanks min."

"anything for you." minho chuckled.


"wooyoung? san?" minho said, confused as to why the two showed up at his apartment at midnight.

"we need a place to sleep, we live to far and can't drive." wooyoung slurred.

"u-uhm...you can sleep in the living room. don't bother me and stay out of my room." minho warned as he let the two in.

"okay mr. strict pants." wooyoung giggled.

"i'll go grab pillows and blankets." he rushed to the linen closet by the bathroom, grabbing extra pillows and blankets for the two.

"thank you." san said sleepily.

"no funny business in my living room and don't bother me." minho said as he walked away.

he quickly rushed into his room, locking the door behind him.

"who was that?" jisung asked, looking up from his phone. minho shushed him, getting back in bed.

"wooyoung and san showed up drunk." minho sighed. "i'll kick them out early tomorrow so they don't interfere with our morning routine."

"okay." jisung nodded.

"let's sleep now." minho said as he pulled jisung close.

jisung turned his phone off, cuddling into minho.

"good night leemin."

"good night hanji."

a/n: hello my loves! how are you? have you eaten? had water? i love you and i'm so proud of you.

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