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"hyung." jisung said in a hushed voice as the call connected.

"you weren't joking about calling in the middle of the night." minho chuckled.

"do you wanna meet at the convenience store and have a midnight snack with me?" jisung asked.

"sure. text me the address." minho smiled.

"yayyy! see you there." jisung hung up the phone, quietly leaving the apartment.

jisung arrived to the convenience store fairly quickly, going inside and waiting for minho. a few minutes later, minho arrived.

"hi." jisung smiled.

"hi." minho smiled back.

"let's get some ramen." jisung said as he got up, walking through the aisles.

"is skinship okay?" minho asked as he stood next to jisung.

"u-uhhh yeah." jisung smiled up at him.

minho reached his hand down, intertwining his fingers with jisungs.

"so this is okay?" he asked gently.

"yeah." jisung nodded, tightening his grip on minhos hand.

"sorry...my love language is physical touch so i like to constantly be giving someone affection." minho blushed as he grabbed a bowl of instant ramen.

"i don't mind. it's my love langue too." jisung chuckled, grabbing his own bowl.

the two paid for the ramen, filling the bowls with water and microwaving them. once the ramen was cooked they went and sat down.

"so, han jisung," minho started. "what's it like being raised by my parents enemies?"

"i forgot about their business rivalry." jisung chuckled. "if we end up taking over our parents companies we'd have to be enemies."

"enemies to lovers." minho said, causing jisung to choke on his ramen.

"god if my parents knew about this, i'd die." jisung chuckled.

"no seriously. my parents would...i don't even wanna imagine." minho laughed.

"imagine the next business party."

"oh god, we have to act like we don't know each other." minho frowned.

"acting is fun." jisung shrugged.

"i think you mean lying?" minho chuckled.

"same thing."

"well, when's the next business party?"

"next weekend. hyunjins parents are throwing a masquerade ball." jisung answered.

"perfect." minho smirked.


"oh nothing, you'll see."

"lee minho."

"han jisung."

"fine i'll wait." jisung scoffed.

"awww quokka don't be upset." minho cooed as he pinched jisungs cheeks.

"who's upset. you're upset. wait- quokka?"

"you look like a quokka." minho giggled.

"we're about to become enemies." jisung deadpanned.

"you couldn't." minho smirked.

"and why not?"

"because, i'm too amazing. you could never hate me."

"my parents have hated yours since before i was born, it can't be that hard to hate people." jisung shrugged.

"but your heart is too soft. you have people you hate, but only cause they've wronged you. am i right?"

"i didn't ask you to eat ramen with me so you could psychoanalyze me." jisung scoffed.

"why did you ask me to eat ramen with you?" minho asked.

"so i didn't have to feel alone."

"ji, thanks for calling me. i'll never make you feel alone." minho smiled as he clung to jisungs arm.

"i appreciate it." jisung couldn't fight back his smile.

"we should hurry. we still have school in the morning." minho said with a soft smile.

"i guess." jisung sighed.

"hey." minho lifted jisungs chin so he was looking at him. "we can always hang out tomorrow, in secret."

jisung slowly nodded, too flustered to say anything.

"i'll walk you home." minho offered with a smile.

"thanks." jisung smiled back.

the two cleaned up their trash, leaving hand in hand. they walked slowly, looking up and admiring the stars.

"stars are so beautiful." jisung sighed contently.

"so are you." minho said, turning to face jisung.

"shut up." jisung was thankful that it was dark, a blush spreading across his face.

"don't be so disrespectful." minho playfully flicked jisungs forehead.

"lol anyways." jisung looked away from minho.

"awww you're shy." minho cooed.

"no i'm not! anyways, this is my apartment building." jisung said as he stopped walking.

"do you want me to send you up?" minho asked.

"no it's okay, you get home and rest." jisung smiled.

"good night hanji, sleep well." minho smiled.

"good night leemin, sleep well." jisung chuckled.

minho leaned in, placing a quick kiss on jisungs cheek. "see you later!" he said as he quickly walked off, his face covered in a light blush.

jisung stood there, processing. "get home safe!" he called out once he snapped back into reality. he walked into the apartment building, taking an elevator up to his apartment. he snuck back in, making sure to lock the door behind him.

he crawled under his covers with a smile. minho already had a very special place in his heart. he fell asleep, a smile on his face as he thought about the person he'd spent the night talking to.

a/n: i want what they have.

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