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"okay min, our first official day out as a couple." jisung took a deep breath.

"are you sure you want to? you don't look like you're doing very well right now..." minho asked softly.

"yes. i just- i don't do well with crowds or lots of attention..can we stop by my apartment?" jisung questioned as he became more anxious. he felt like he was going to be sick.

"yeah...hey sung? it'll be okay my love. i'm here." minho smiled gently as he grabbed his keys.

"min you really shouldn't be driving you have a concussion." jisung spoke quickly.

"should you be driving? you're not stable enough right now baby." minho frowned.

"fucking- fine but don't blame me if you crash or some shit like that!" jisung shouted, storming out to the car.

"hanji, drink some water." minho said carefully, opening up his water bottle.

jisung didn't say anything, taking the water bottle from minho. he slowly sipped it, feeling himself calm down for now.

"min i'm so sorry for yelling at you i-" jisung was in the verge of tears.

"hey, it's okay." minho gently grabbed jisungs hand. "it's okay. you don't have to apologize."

"thank you." jisung sighed, hugging minho.

"let's go by your apartment."


"felix where's my anxiety meds?" jisung asked as he marched into the apartment, minho following close behind him.

"in the medicine cabinet!" felix called from the bathroom.

jisung opened the bathroom door, giving a small smile to felix who was doing his makeup.

"i'm assuming your anxiety is acting up?" felix asked.

"woah omg how did you figure that out?" jisung asked sarcastically.

"i'm a genius." felix smiled as jisung reached into the cabinet. he took one of his pills, putting the bottle back. he walked out of the bathroom to see minho holding a cup of water.

"here you go." minho said gently.

"thank you." jisung smiled, taking the pill.

"so, you're announcing your relationship?" seungmin asked.

"not really. we're just going to stop hiding it. why should we announce it? it's no one else's business." minho shrugged.

"you guys are so cute!" hyunjin smiled.

"thanks. we're going to go now." minho waved.

"min, please let me drive." jisung sighed as they left.

"are you stable enough?" minho asked.

"the meds haven't exactly hit yet but i'm much calmer. and you have a concussion and shouldn't be driving." jisung spoke seriously.

"okay. i'll let you drive." minho handed him the keys.

"min, you know i'd never let myself drive if i were in a state that could put you or anyone else in danger. relax." jisung spoke with a small smile.

"you're right. i'm just worried about you, sorry." minho apologized.

"it's okay, let's go."


the two walked into the campus, hand in hand. in the two minutes they'd arrived at the university, people were already pointing and whispering, taking pictures and gossiping.

jisung was very uncomfortable, holding onto minhos hand tighter.

"it's okay." minho whispered, kissing his cheek.

"hey minho, hey jisung!" wooyoung smiled as minho approached the team.

"hey, where's coach?" minho asked.

"he won't be here until practice." san answered.

"damn. i can't play for two weeks, i have a concussion." minho explained.

"practice without the team captain?" wooyoung gasped.

"well....you and jisung are dating?" hongjoong asked.

"yeah." minho just nodded.

"you guys are cute together, congratulations." he smiled.

"thanks." minho smiled.

"wait, is he what was more important than drinking with us?" beomgyu asked.

"yes." minho immediately responded.

"understandable, have a nice night." beomgyu nodded.

"min!" jisung lightly slapped his arm. "you shouldn't ditch your friends for me!"

"i can't help it, you're just more important than drinking." minho shrugged.

"i'm really not." jisung shook his head.

minho gently cupped jisungs face, pulling him close. "yes, you are."

"f-fine.." jisung blushed. "your friends are here stop!"

"fine." minho dropped one hand, the other traveling up to ruffle jisungs hair. he intertwined their fingers, turing back towards the team.

"okay i see how it is. he gets soft minho and we get cussed out." wooyoung dramatically fake cried.

"you'll get over it." minho shrugged.

"jisung your boyfriend is so mean!" wooyoung whined.

"you'll get over it." jisung shrugged.

"oh my god they're a match made in hell." beomgyu gasped.

"what?" san turned to him.

"cause they're perfect for each other, but also, they're gay." beomgyu laughed.

"NO WAY YOU JUST MADE THAT JOKE." wooyoung laughed.

"see you all in hell then." minho shrugged.

"seriously though, you two are perfect together. similar personalities, but opposite aesthetics and personas." beomgyu sighed.

"thanks we know." minho smiled. "we'll see you at practice." minho waved.

"we will?" jisung asked as they walked away.

"you can sit with me and watch." minho nodded.

"okay." jisung smiled.

a/n: how are you my loves?

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