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Meredith was afraid but was focussed on her daughter, she needed her baby to be okay. She felt her legs and hips hurting but she was scared because Ellis was still around. She seemed to be calling, would she be calling for help? By the time Meredith tried to lift her head again she fell unconscious

"Meredith?" She heard someone yelling for her "Meredith?" They tried again

"Baby-" Meredith blurted out

"I have a heartbeat, Meredith. We need to bring you to the hospital so we can check the two of you out" The paramedic said and lifted Meredith onto a stretcher, she groaned in pain

"Make sure.. she's okay" Meredith whispered "Derek-" She muttered before she fell unconscious

"We need to bring her to the hospital but her baby seems okay, I'm not sure about her, her legs seem to be swollen and her hip is already turning purple"

They rushed Meredith to the hospital and she woke up when they reached the ambulance bay

"Don't page Ellis Grey" Meredith struggled to say "Call Derek"

"Meredith?" Richard frowned as he saw her get wheeled inside

"Don't- Don't page my mom" Meredith struggled

"Mer, I think we really need to page Ellis-" Richard started saying but Meredith freaked out completely

"Derek- Only Derek and Carolyn" Meredith whimpered

"She's pregnant!" One of the paramedics screamed, making Richard stop in his tracks


Meredith was laying down in an exam room as she was sedated. She was hysterical when someone asked if they could call her mom. She seemed to calm down when they told her Derek was on his way but she was in too much pain which caused distress for her baby

"Meredith" Derek gasped as he saw her laying down in the hospital, a monitor for her baby strapped around her waist

"Derek-" His mom walked in but stopped talking as she saw Meredith asleep in the bed

"She looks so small-" Derek grabbed her hand in his own

"The doctors said your baby is okay. She didn't fall on her stomach" Carolyn rubbed his back, fixing Meredith's hair on the pillow "I should ask for an elastic so I can tie her hair together. I don't want it to be knotted" Carolyn said softly

"What else did they say?" Derek asked concerned

"She broke her hip and her left leg and knee. Her wrist is sprained but it's clear Ellis held onto her tightly" Carolyn told him and Derek took the blanket away, revealing her leg in a huge cast

"Oh-" He gasped

"She has a long recovery ahead" Carolyn sighed

"What has even happened? Why was she at Ellis' house?" He frowned

"Ellis called the ambulance but was gone when they arrived but she's working now"

"I'm gonna kill that woman" He groaned

"You're gonna stay here with Meredith. She and your little girl will need you" Carolyn said sternly

"I know" He whispered "I'm glad our baby is okay" He placed his hand on Meredith's stomach "She'll hate being unable to do things by herself"

"We'll help her through" Carolyn nodded

Then Derek felt Meredith's hand moving

"Mer?" He called out for her

"Aww" She groaned

"Shh, you're okay. You're in the hospital" Carolyn tried to calm Meredith down

"Baby?" Meredith panicked more and more

"Our baby is okay, Mer. You're hooked up to a monitor so they can keep an eye on our bean" He kissed her forehead, knowing he had to assure her it was gonna be okay

"My mother- She-" Meredith started talking but sobs took over her body which caused her more pain

"What happened?" Derek held her in his arms

"She pushed me and I tripped-" Meredith said and broke down in her boyfriend's arms

"She what?" He gasped

"Der" Meredith whimpered

"Shh, honey. It will be okay" Carolyn brushed her fingers through Meredith's hair "We promise it will be okay, you're staying with us from now on. No way you're going back" Carolyn said

"She threw me out anyway" Meredith mumbled in Derek's arms

"What?" Carolyn frowned

"She threw Meredith out. She threw all Meredith's stuff out of the window the other day" Derek explained "But she didn't wanna worry you"

"Oh Meredith.." Carolyn placed a soft kiss on the top of Meredith's head


"Meredith, you should rest a bit more" Derek hoovered. Carolyn had braided her hair so it wouldn't start to tangle and the girl felt safe around them but was still scared her mother would walk inside

"Meredith?" Richard entered the room, causing Meredith to flinch "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"I'm staying" Derek immediately said and felt Meredith's grip tighten onto his arm

"I really wanna talk to Meredith" Richard sighed

"Derek and Carolyn need to stay" She quietly said

"We're staying, honey" Carolyn promised

"Thank you" Meredith whispered and felt Derek kiss her forehead again, she leaned into his touch but her leg and hip caused her discomfort

"Did Ellis do this?" Richard asked and saw Meredith tense up

"She pushed Meredith, causing her to fall down the stairs and look at her now!" Derek snapped

"I'm really sorry, Meredith" He quietly said

"I don't wanna ever see her again" Meredith told Derek "She didn't want me either"

"She needs to rest," Derek said. Richard nodded his head and left the room again

"Meredith, do you want some more pain meds?" Carolyn asked her while she kept stroking Meredith's head

"Please" She nodded her hair, still feeling very vulnerable which wasn't very weird as she was laying down in a hospital bed, unable to move and could have lost her daughter during the fall "Is our baby still okay?" She turned her head to see the monitor as she was still worried

"She's good, Meredith. She needs you to rest enough so I'm going to get you something for the pain and then you can sleep a bit" Carolyn softly explained

"Will you stay, please?" Meredith asked her boyfriend, scared he'd leave her and she would be all on her own

"No one is leaving, Meredith. Would it be okay if Mark and Amelia come over tonight? They're really worried about you

"Yeah" Meredith nodded her head softly "Thank you for everything" She looked at both her boyfriend and his mom, feeling very safe around them, Carolyn leaving the room to grab some meds

"Don't thank me, I love you and I'd do anything for you and our baby" Derek kissed her stomach and her lips

"I love you so much" Meredith whispered as a tear escaped her eyes and she wiped it away

"I love you too, so so much" Derek kissed her head as Carolyn injected the meds into the line they had placed earlier

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