Chapter 6

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I was beyond mad at Isaac for dragging me here but I also just realised this is the first time in nine days that I've stepped outside of the villa my husband uses to cage me.

I was angry at my husband but I was angrier at myself, I thought that if I ignored him enough and didn't respond to the insults he threw my way everytime I was around him, things would be easier and he would leave me be but it turns out that he's hell bent on making my life miserable.

After meeting his friends I realised that Isaac isn't always as cold and aloof around them as he is around me but it's understandable I guess, I looked at him chatting away with a friend of his ; her name's Suzie and she's very beautiful, elegant and classy, she's someone who looked perfect with Isaac... together they looked like a match made in heaven.

With everything that's been going on since morning I could already feel a bad headache coming up.... Alexander or Alex as he likes himself to be called has this huge bookshelf in his living room filled with hard bound copies of some of my favorite classics and a few rare pieces as well, when he got to know about my love for literature he told me I could borrow any book I liked from his precious shelf.

That was it for me, I skimmed through the books and saw Jane Austen's Emaa in the corner, I have read it numerous times before but I decided to take it out nevertheless and sat on one of the vacant chairs nearby.

Everyone was busy chatting amongst themselves and I felt like an intruder here, Isaac dragged me to this shitty get-together with him but he clearly doesn't like it when I talk with his friends, the deathly glares he sent my way everytime his friends came over to talk with me were enough to shut my mouth, all I did was give small responses and look uninterested so that his friends would leave me alone but Alex was different, he kept checking in on me, made small talk and didn't seem to mind Isaac's deathly glares.

I wasn't bothered though, I just sat in the corner and opened the book to busy myself with reading but my eyes kept drifting towards Isaac and Suzie who were comfortably seated on the couch, she was leaning onto him shamelessly, doesn't she know he's married?

"Jane Austen, wow, I hope you're able to read your classics well" a voice came and I looked up, if I remember correctly his name is Jack.

"Excuse me?" I asked and he motioned with his eyes towards the book in my hands "So many people claim to love classics but not everyone understands them, I was just asking if you do" he said nonchalantly and sat on the vacant chair next to me.

"Yea I might look dumb but you'd be surprised to know that I have a master's in English Literature" closing the book I looked up at him, he was sitting so close to me I could smell his cologne.

"And it's okay if people read classics without fully understanding the meaning or the message the author is trying to convey through it's writing, not everyone has to take up the responsibility of analysing literary pieces you know... we should read for pleasure as well, it's what matters the most I think" I continued and saw him look at me in amusement.

He was really handsome, I have to say that, his hazel eyes and olive skin with those sharp features made him look like a model straight out of a magazine, I cleared my throat and he finally came back to his senses.

"Wow I didn't know you're an expert" he commented scratching the back of his head in embarrassment "I am not" I said simply stating the obvious, what makes him think I'm an expert in the literary field when all I have is a master's in it?

He was about to say something when someone appeared right infront of us, it was Isaac, and Suzie followed right behind him, wow she's acting like Isaac is her husband and not mine, but she's not the one at fault here, my husband should've remembered to keep me by his head even if it was just for show. I already know his friends must be thinking how odd and so not in love me and Isaac are, I bet they can see right through our fake marriage which is not fake but it definitely feels like a fake one.

"Isaac where are you going? We still have a lot to discuss, you cut the call in anger when I called you this morning and now you're walking away from me" Suzie huffed in anger as she appeared beside Isaac. So she's the one he was talking to this morning, great.

Ignoring Suzie's complaining Isaac forwarded his right hand towards me "Come on babe, let's go home, I know you are tired" he said and I looked at him in confusion, has he finally gone insane?

I looked at Jack and then at Isaac before taking Isaac's hand and standing up "Wait let me put this book back first" I said rushing towards the bookshelf, after keeping the book back in it's place I slowly walked to where Isaac was standing with Suzie standing right behind him, wow she really is annoying.

"It was nice meeting your wife Isaac, she seems like an intelligent one" Jack complimented and Isaac looked at me with fake adoration in his eyes.

"I wouldn't have married her if she wasn't" he said and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him.

"Ah yes, I'd love to meet her again, don't forget to bring her at my birthday party alright? I'm afraid me and your wife have a lot in common" he said taking my hand and giving it a gentle kiss while Isaac nodded at him curtly.

"Common?" I asked in confusion and he chuckled "Our love for literature" he finally answered.

I didn't even notice when Suzie left us but I'm glad she did, after saying goodbye to everyone in the not so small get-together me and Isaac finally left.

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