First Day of School

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Hello, my name is Hechu Akihiro! I'm sixteen and today is my first day of the 12th grade! I'm not very excited though... considering I was never great with making friends throughout my entire eleven grades. But... maybe this year will be different! I hope it will be different. "Come on, Hechu. Let's go take you to school." "Okay Azasho!" There's this guy named Azasho Neemai that has been taking care of me since I was twelve. He is my brother's crush! But... my brother isn't around anymore. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about me. I'm a masochist and a light sadist, I'm also bisexual, I'm 5'6, and I love cats! I never got to ask Azasho if we could get a cat though. I will one of these days.

When we arrived at the school, I got out of the car with my backpack. I'm wearing a hoodie with cat ears on the hood, it's the color purple. I'm also wearing black basketball shorts that goes to my knees, and black thigh highs that have white stripes near the top, considering they're comfortable. My first hour was ELA, which I'm okay at. I sat down near the back-left corner of the room. Not exactly the corner, but three seats up. "Hello everyone. Everyone relatively has the same faces from last year! Since this is the first day of school, I will allow you to have a free day today!" This is the thing I didn't want. I don't know anybody, because this is the first time I've ever gone to this school.

I had my head down, not actually sleeping, but acting like it. But suddenly, I heard someone whispering to me. "Hey, you okay?" I turned to look at him. It was a guy with gray hair, almost glowing orange eyes, rectangle glasses with only the bottom frame on them, white unzipped jacket, gray t-shirt, and white ripped jeans. He looked.. nice. "H-hello, yes I'm okay. This is just my first year here, so I don't know anyone." "Oh, well I could be your first friend! My name is Junichi Masaru! What's your name?" "My name is Hechu Akihiro." "Oh, that's a beautiful name." He's giving me butterflies. I've never really gotten compliments, not from my mom, not from my brother, considering he can't talk, nobody at school, no one. This is the first compliment I've ever received. "Th-thank you, I like your name too." "Really? Aww, thank you!"

"Can I know more about you, Hechu?" "S-sure. I'm sixteen, and well, I'd rather not tell you anything else.." "Why? I'll be fine with anything you tell me." "Well, it's because... I never made friends because of those other things about me.." "Dude, it's okay. I won't react badly in any way, I promise." "I'd rather tell you once I get, more comfortable." "Okay, I understand. Well, I already told you my name. I'm seventeen, and I'm bisexual. I also like video games and talking to friends! Friends like you." I felt like I started to blush. He's so nice.

The day was over, and Azasho came to pick me up. "Hey Hechu, how was school?" "It was okay, but I made a friend!" "Oh really? What's his name?" "His name is Junichi Masaru." "Well then, I hope you make more friends, okay?" "I hope I do too." I started to smile. I hope this school year goes great.

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