New Faces... Or Old

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"Okay Hechu, get into a battle stance. Whatever stance makes you feel comfortable." "Alright." I got into the usual stance I'm in when getting ready to fight. I lowered my body and stuck my arms out a bit, hands forward. Buuuuttt... it feels awkward when I have a weapon in my hand now. I kept my left hand out, but I brought my right hand, the one with the sickle, closer to my side. That feels a lot better. "I think this is good." "Alright, try to rush at me. And be mindful that only the inside of the sickle is sharpened." I put my left hand on the ground and flipped my sickle upside down. I can try to do an uppercutting motion. I rushed at him and quickly swiped up, but he put his left hand on top of the katana's blade and pushed the sharpened part of it down, pushing my sickle down. "Very nice, nice take on the way you're holding it."

After a bit more training, I was starting to get the hang of it. But I'm also very wore out. Suddenly, there was a blue laser pointed at Azasho's head. "Azasho, there is a blue laser on the side of your head." "Huh?" He looked to his left. "Wh-what..?" He stared for only a second longer before shaking his head. "Hechu, Souta, get out of the way!" I ran to the side, and Souta ran over to me. Azasho ran to the other side. There was a loud boom, and a pink beam boomed through the doorway. 

"What the fuck was th-" Souta covered my mouth. "Shhh." I saw the shadow of someone slowly grow. Who is that? Someone stepped inside. It was Koyuki. Not only that, but Izis was there too. There were more shadows behind them. The person that stepped in from outside... Nori Ren. Her hands were behind her back and her wrists were handcuffed. Why is she with them? There is still another shadow that hasn't entered the dojo yet. Azasho stood up and walked out into the open. What is he doing?! "Hello again Azasho!" "Hey Koyuki." Azasho said that in a tone like he was annoyed. "Where are the others?" "The others? Who are you talking about?" "My my, you're quick to lie. I know there are others. Where are they?" "There isn't anyone else here. Now can you kindly leave?" "You do not let up, do you? I'll give you one last chance. Where. Are. They?"

Azasho sighed. "Fine.. they're over there." He pointed in our direction, but he pointed with his index, pinky, and thumb extended. What does that mean? Why did he rat us out?! Souta very lightly whispered. "It's okay." "Oh, in that very dark corner?" "Yes, over there." Koyuki slowly walked up to us. Souta started to tense up. When Koyuki got very close, Souta quickly arose from the ground and went for an uppercut to her jaw, but he missed. She back peddled where she originally was, in the middle of Izis and Nori. Souta ran over to Azasho. "Well well well, look who we have here." 

Both Azasho and Souta quickly grabbed their weapons. "It seems like I have to bring out a little toy of mine." They all stepped out of the way, and the shadow that stayed outside slowly approached. They finally walked in. Is that... no way. Azasho was almost at a loss of words. "Y-Yua..?" "Hey again Azasho! Just so you know, I never died. I never was on your side. I used you to get closer and closer to my goal. And well, I've reached it." She had a... railgun? "Wh-where is Akiro..?" "Akiro? Oh, you mean that brown haired boy? He was no use of us. Just like I seemingly wasn't any use of you, considering you only went back for Souta." Azasho looked, devastated. This is the first time I've seen him show real, impactful emotion. It was like a mix of fear- and intense anger.

I heard running from outside of the dojo. The footsteps were so fast. Then, in a blink of an eye, there was a loud thump noise. I looked over at the four people who entered the dojo. Izis stepped over a bit. Is that... a pipe? Akiro suddenly flew over to Souta and Azasho, making a rough landing. "Akiro..?" "Oh, hey Azasho." "How are you alive?" "Voices.." "What?" "N-nothing." Azasho nodded at Souta and looked in my direction. "Hechu, come on!" I quickly got up and ran towards them. Souta stuck his hand out and made a line in front of us, extending to both of the walls. A black abyss appeared in front of us. He then ran over to the wall behind us and bashed a hole into the wall with his kanabo. "We need to get out of here. Souta, Akiro, Hechu, come on." We ran out of the dojo and ran to the house.

I quickly unlocked and opened the door, and we all rushed inside. I walked in last, closing and locking the door. "Akiro, how did you not die?!" "Voices in my head... well... one voice in my head..." "What..? Explain!" "Look, I have schizophrenia okay? I killed my fucking mother; she has been asking me 'why' ever since I was fifteen! But just when that happened, it went from 'why' to 'get up,' or 'wake up.'" Azasho was at a loss of words. "I-I'm sorry I never told you this." Azasho walked up to Akiro and put his hand on his shoulder. "It's alright. Just get some rest, or at least try to." Akiro nodded his head and lied down on the couch.

Azasho looked like he was about to burst into words, or maybe even tears. There is a lot for him to digest. Souta started to rub his back. "Are you o..kay?" "Y-yeah.. I am." I've never heard him stutter so many times. "Hey Hechu... go get some r-rest.." "Yeah.. I will." Souta and Azasho left the house. I walked back into my room.

Sora was still asleep. Is she really that tired? I lied down next to her. How are they alive.. why is Yua not on our side..? Has she really been keeping up this facade for this long?! I need to stop thinking. I slowly fell into an uncomfortable slumber.

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