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I started to slowly wake up after a rather painful sleep. Well, it was painful at the start, but calmed down later on. I woke up laying on my back, while Sora's leg was on one of mine and her arm wrapped around my chest. "Hey Sora, you awake?" "Just barely... I woke up a bit before you so I'm really tired.." "Oh, okay. Take your time." "No, no. It's fine. Let me check if you still have that bruise." She slowly got up, stood next to the bed, and started stretching. She then muttered, "Alright," and walked over to the foot of the bed, where my feet are closer to her than any part of my body. She crawled onto the bed and sat down on my thighs, both of her legs basically squishing them in just so she could get a better seat. Then, as she said she would, she lifted up my shirt to check for the bruise. I was practically breaking my neck just so I could see if it still was there or not.

The bruise was gone. "Oh, you actually made it go away." "Hold on.." She started to poke the area it was at. "Does this still hurt?" "Not as much as before, but it kinda does." "Just as I thought. You're going to be a bit sore for some days, but it'll be fine." Great. Another reason to start hurting. "Okay, can you take these now?" Sora lifted up her skirt. Again. So I covered my eyes. Again. "S-stop doing that!" Sora let out a maniacal laugh. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to see your reaction! Here you go." I uncovered my eyes. She handed me two switchblades and two holsters that clip either onto your clothes or your pockets. "Now be careful with these, they are so sharp to the point where they can cut fingers off with a clean swipe. Do you know how to use a switch blade?" "Yes, there is a slider that I slide up so the blade comes out of the top. There's a-wait what? Why are there two different things to slide?" "These are specially made! The slider on the bottom, the shorter one, clamps the slider above it so you can't accidentally make the blade come out." "Oh... that's actually pretty cool." 

"Hey Hechu, can I have you walk with me?" "Sure.. but to where?" "Too my friends house! I want you to meet him." "Oh... sure." "Trust me, he won't mess with you." I stood up, stretched, and walked out of the house with Sora, closing and locking the door behind me. "So, who is this friend?" "You'll see when we get there!" "You're making me nervous. I don't even know if we're actually going to your friend's house." "Oh, I know you're nervous. But trust me, you'll be fine!" "Okay... I'll trust you." We kept walking to Sora's friend's house. But I still can't get the Bashira and Chinatsu situation out of my head. I really want to think that she is setting me up, but I also want to trust her. I hope I don't get tricked two days in a row.

After some walking and talking, we finally made it to the house. "Well, here we are! Do you trust me?" Sora's voice dropped when she asked me that, which kinda freaked me out. "Y-yeah... I trust you." "Yay! Let's go!" She seems so random. We walked up to the front door, and Sora knocked on it. A medium toned voice spoke from the other side of the door. "Who is it?" "It's Sora!" "Oh, Yamato!" He opened the door. Who opened the door was a guy with both dark green hair and eyes, a black shirt with a huge white skull in the middle, and black basketball shorts, like me. "Hey Shin! I want you to meet my boyfriend." "Oh, hello. My name is Hechu Akihiro." "Oh, hello Hechu. My name is Shigeru Shin'ya. You can call me Shin for short. Or Shigeru. Either or." "Okay, I'll call you Shigeru." "Cool beans. Why don't you guys come in?" Me and Sora walked into Shigeru's house, and straight to his room.

Shigeru had a pretty clean room with what seems to be a king-sized bed and a nice computer setup. "Seems like your room is as clean as ever." "Yeah, I keep it clean all the time. You should start expecting it to be clean when you come over." "I know, I know." Sora went over to sit down on Shigeru's bed. "Hey Shin, you don't mind if Hechu sits on your bed too?" "Oh, go right ahead. I don't mind." "O-okay, thank you." I went over to his bed and sat next to Sora. It was starting to get kinda awkward, so I tried to get a conversation going. "How long have you guys been friends?" "Oh, Shin and I have been friends for nine years! Since 3rd grade!" Holy shit. That is a VERY long time. "Yeah, we've been friends for awhile." "Hey Hechu, Shin, you want to play truth or dare?" "Yeah I'm up for it. What about you, Hechu?" "S-sure.. I'll play." We all sat in a triangle on the ground.

I was kinda confused on how the order was going to be, so I asked Sora. "Hey Sora, what is going to be the order?" "That's a good question... I think it should go Shin asking me, I ask you, and you ask Shin. Does that sound good?" Shigeru and I said "Yeah." "Alright, cool! Shin, start it off." "Alright, Yamato. Truth or dare?" "Uhh.. truth." "Okay... have you ever killed someone?" "Woah, starting off strong! I don't think I have.. not anytime I remember." Short-term memory loss. Again. "Anyways, Hechu, truth or dare?" "Truth." "Okay... how long have you known Azasho?" "I've known him for four years." "Wow, that's a long time." "Yeah, it is. Shigeru, truth or dare?" "I'll just hop on the bandwagon. Truth." "Okay, well... what is a secret that you've kept for a long time?" "Oh.. good question. I uh... I don't really know how to say this but... I used to like Sora in 4th grade. Before she uh.. changed." "W-wait really.. you used to like me?! Uh... I'm so-" "Yeah I used to. But that was in 4th grade, I've gotten over it by now. Sorry for keeping that secret from you for so long." "O-oh, no it's okay." Awkwardly, we kept playing truth or dare until we didn't want to anymore.

"That was actually fun! Thanks for playing with us Shin!" "Your welcome. I hope to see you two again." "Yeah, nice to meet you, Shigeru." "Nice to meet you too, Hechu." Sora and I walked out of his house. "Hey Hechu, I'm pretty hungry right now, and there isn't much in the house." "Yeah, I am too. I'm going to ask if Azasho could give me some money so I can order something for us to eat." "Okay, thank you!" "You're welcome." I started to text Azasho. "Hey Azasho, can you send me some money? I wanted to order Sora and I something to eat." Shortly after, he texted back. "Yeah sure. Don't go crazy on the food." I texted him back. "Thank you!" "Alright, he said he was going to send me some money. I'll order the food when we get to the house and have it delivered." "Okay. Again, thank you!"

When we made it to the house, I unlocked and opened the door, letting in Sora before me. I walked in and closed and locked the door. "Alright, what do you want me to order for you?" "Uh, I don't really want anything extra. Can we just get a medium pepperoni pizza?" "Yeah sure." I ordered us an eight slice pepperoni pizza, which is a medium. After a couple minutes of chatting, there was a knock at the front door. I walked to the door and slowly opened it. "Hey, are you... Hechu Akihiro?" "Yes, that is me." "Oh, great. Here is your pizza!" He handed me the pizza. "Thank you." "Your welcome!" The pizza guy walked away, and I closed and locked the door. "Hey Sora, you can come out of my room! The pizza is here!" "Okay!" I set the pizza on the counter. Sora came out of my room and into the kitchen. 

"Thank you for ordering pizza!" "Your welcome. You know, you don't have to keep thanking me." She let out an awkward laugh. "I'm sorry." "It's okay." Both of us washed our hands. "Hey Hechu, look at me." I looked at her. "Gotcha!" She then flicked water on my face. "Hey!" I did it back. She let out a sinister giggle. Does she always laugh like that? "Let's get our pizza now, okay Hechu?" "Okay Sora." We both dried our hands with a piece of paper towel and grabbed us a paper plate. We both got two slices of pizza out of the eight that were in there, leaving half. Can't believe I just did math for slices of pizza. "Can we eat in your room again?" "Not with pizza." "But we ate in there with syrup!" "That is true.. but still. Let's eat at the table. If you want, we can still sit next to each other." "Okay!"

I went over to the dinner table and sat down. Sora came running over to the table. Suddenly, she squeezed onto the same chair I was sitting on, almost pushing me off. "Sora, this is not what I meant by sitting next to each other. I meant putting our two chairs together." "Ooohh.. sorry." She let out an awkward laugh. She dragged one of the dining chairs and dragged it over to my side. I scooted my chair to the end of the table so she could fit her chair next to mine. We both started to eat in silence. Sora eats so.. neat. Well, as I said that, she almost dropped her pizza on the floor, and got pizza sauce on her chin. So much for being neat. "Be careful when eating your pizza. Just hold it by the crust instead of letting it sit on your fingertips." "S-sorry!" "It's okay. And you got pizza sauce on your chin." I used my thumb to wipe the pizza sauce off of her chin. I wonder if Azasho or Souta has done this before. Kind of an awkward moment. Sora started to blush a little. "Th-thank you." "You're welcome." We both continued to eat.

"Hey Hechu, I'm full. Can we just put the pizza inside of the fridge and eat it tomorrow?" "Yeah, I agree that we should do that as well." I threw Sora and I's paper plates away and put the pizza box inside of the refrigerator. "Hey Sora, come wash your hands." "Okay." Sora practically fell out of the chair and walked over to the sink. We both washed our hands. "Can we go to sleep? I'm tired.." "Yeah. Come on." We both rinsed our hands and walked into my room. "You go first Hechu." "Okay." I got into bed, facing away from where she currently was, since I usually sleep with my back facing the doorway. Sora shortly afterwards climbed over me and got under the covers, as always, putting her leg on mine and burying her head into my chest. In what seemed like thirty seconds, Sora was fast asleep. I put my hand behind her head and slowly went to sleep.

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