Group Effort

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I hastily woke up. I quickly checked my phone to see what time it was. It was 9:37 p.m. I have to text Azasho. I quickly ran into the living room to text him. Oh. He's here. I can see his feet hanging off of the side of the couch. I ran up to the couch and tapped him. Souta arose from the couch and stared at me, confused. Wait, Souta? I looked over the couch. Azasho was lying down, and he was slowly waking up. So Souta was sleeping on top of him. Very cute. Azasho sat up, and so did Souta. "Ngh.. hey Hechu. What do you want?" "Nothing, I was about to text you to come over since I'm awake." "Oh okay, that's cool and all.. but why are you up so early?" "I don't know, I just jerked out of bed. We need to make up a plan to get those three back!" "I get those are your friends and all- well, friends and girlfriend, but do we really have to save that little psycho?" "Yes Azasho! We need to save all of them. When I say all, I mean all." "Alright... whatever you say Hechu."

I need to figure out how to get the other people's numbers from the dodgeball tournament. Sora isn't available, nor is Hatsumomo. Nor is the twins. I don't have anyone to text or call at the moment. Wait, I have an idea. "Hey Azasho, can you drive me to the school?" "Is that your idea?" "Yes, yes it is." "Alright then. Let's go." Azasho got off of the couch. "Hey Souta, if you want to come you can. It's up to you." Souta gave him a thumbs up. "I will... come... wi.. th." "Alright, come on then." Souta got off of the couch and followed us outside. We all got into the car, and Azasho drove off to the school.

"Hey Hechu, what plan involves us going to the school?" "I want to gather people from the dodgeball tournament to help us. From what I saw, those versions of them... they aren't the normal versions." "Yeah, never knew Hatsumomo could do the things she did." I still don't know what she can do besides the one power she used at the dodgeball tourney. After a couple minutes of driving, we made it to the school. I'm just going to hope that there is someone here. We all got out of the car and walked in. "Okay, you two stay here at the front. I'll be back." "Alright Mr. Bossman." Souta laughed a bit and gave me a thumbs up.

I walked away from them and went into my homeroom classroom. There were three people there. Nori Ren, Eri Jin... and Kaemon Masakazu. Kaemon is always in the spots I least expect him to be. "Oh! Hello Hechu!" "Hey Eri." Kaemon stood up. "Yoo! What's up Hechu?" He put his hand up, but not for a high five. I gave him a firm handshake. "Nothing much." "Hey Hechu." "Hey Nori." I walked up to her and gave her a fist bump. "I came here because I need a huge favor from you guys." "What is it?" "I need all three of you to contact people from this school." "Why is that?" "People from this school have been kidnapped. Sora, Hatsumomo, and Fumihito. I need to-" "Wait wait wait, before we continue, I mean, you continue, I need to recap on who those people are. Sora is the girl with.. yeah, Hatsumomo is the one with the wristbands, and Fumihito is the psycho, correct?" Why did he describe them like that?

"Yes... you are right." "Aw man... I like them. Besides Fumihito. He just looks cool." I honestly agree. "Okay, we're off topic. Please, call or text everyone you know from this school. And I need you three to help too." They all nodded. They all pulled their phones out and started to text. I walked back to the front where Azasho and Souta was at. "Okay, they're texting people." "There are people here?" "Yes, which is what I was hoping for." "Well, who are they texting?" "Other people from my class. People from the dodgeball tourney." "Oh, well that is a delight. Children with overwhelming powers will be helping us with other children, just juiced up on lady blood." Souta and I both laughed a bit.

After a couple minutes, a bunch of people walked up to the school. It's them. "Hey Azasho, Souta, move over here. The other kids are here." They both moved to the side, and everyone walked in. "Alright, can all of you follow me?" They all followed me into the classroom. "You guys can conversate for a bit." They all started to get into groups. Now, time to see who we have. We have the first three people that been here, even before me. Nori Ren, Eri Jin, and Kaemon Masakazu. Now, there is a couple more people here. All of the people that newly arrived is Junichi Masaru, Kimmi Nobuko, and Reiko Kaori.

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