Huge Hangout

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I was lying on my back, and I felt something heavy on my chest. I opened my eyes... and it was... Akira. Sleeping. I looked to my right, and it was Sora. Obviously. "You aren't sleep, are you?" "Aw man.. how did you know?" "Because I can see the glow of your eyes through your hair." The glow slowly faded. "You're right. I was a bit excited." "Excited about what..?" Sora sat up and sat down in a w sitting position with her hands in between her thighs, like the last time. I just didn't specify the hand placement part the first time. "Well, first off, I get to see you! Second off, we have Akira! And the third and most important part, today." "You're excited about... today?" "Yes!" Akira got up and curled up in between Sora's thighs while she was still in the w position, and caused Sora to move her hands to her sides. "Oh, hello Akira!" She started petting him.

I got a random notification on my phone. I looked at it, and it was an unknown number. "Do I have the right number?" I texted back. "I don't know, what's your name?" "This is Reiko Kaori." Huh? Reiko? How did she get my number? Sora started talking to me. "Is that Reiko?" "Yes it is... how do you know?" "I gave her your number!" "Why?!" "For today." I still don't know what Sora is talking about. I then got another text message, but from a different number. "Hello Hechu." And they already know my name? "Who are you?" "Hitomi. According to Sora, we are meeting up at Reiko and Kimmi's place." "Oh, alright. Thank you." So I'm going to have to spend another day of the week with the twins. Awesome. Totally awesome. "You should be getting oonnee more text." How many people did Sora give my number to?! "Hello Hechu, It's Hatsumomo. Sora gave me your number because we are all meeting up at Reiko and Kimmi's house. I don't know if that is a valid reason to give me your number, but whatever. See you there." She really just typed all of that in one text. I'm not even going to respond.

"Well, I think we should get going!" "But Sora- I don't even know their address. Also, do they live together?" "Yes, they do live together. Reiko bought her own house, with her own money, and Kimmi moved in." "Oh, that's pretty cool. Now what about the address?" "Oh yeah, don't worry about it. I know their address. Can you grab Akira?" "Yeah, but I actually want to see if he can walk without a leash." "Oh, that'll be great!" Sora put Akira on the floor and let him run around. He ran- well, pranced, into the living room. Sora and I walked behind him. Fumihito is sitting on the couch. "Is Fumihito going?" "Yeah!" "Huh? Where am I going?" "We are going to meet up with some people from school!" "Ohh, okay. I think that'll be cool. I'll get to meet some new people." He won't have to worry, I'm very sure they already know who he is.

"Alright, Hechu, Fumihito, Akira, you guys ready?" Fumihito and I said "yeah," and Akira said, well, "meow." Sora unlocked and opened the door for me, Fumihito, and Akira. She then closed and locked the door and walked next to me. As we were walking, Akira was walking perfectly fine in between me and Fumihito. "Aww, look at him. It was a great idea to see if he could walk with us without a leash, and well, now we know."  We kept walking until we made it to Reiko and Kimmi's house.

When we made it, Sora walked in front of us and knocked on the door. A couple seconds afterwards, I heard the sound of feet going down some stairs, and the door opened. It was Kimmi Nobuko. "Oh, you two. Oh, you three! Hello there little kitty!" Kimmi crouched down and started to rub Akira's head. She stood back up and started to yell towards upstairs. "Hey Reiko! We have two people at the front door!" Sora corrected her. "Uh, we actually have three people." Kimmi looked back at us. "What do you mean? There is only tw-" Kimmi started to slowly look up. "O-oh. H-hey Fumihito." "Uh.. hello... what is your name?" "My name is Kimmi Nobuko. Hey Reiko, scratch that! We have three!" I heard a distant yell from upstairs. "Wait really?!" "Yeah, come look!" I saw Reiko. "Oh look, a cat. How cute." She came down the stairs. "But it is only Sora and Hech-" Reiko slowly looked up, the same way Kimmi did. "Oh, hey scary guy." "Hello.. what is your name? Wait, scary?" "Yeah, you were like, psychotic yesterday." "I was?" "Yes, are you fucking stu- ouch! What the hell?!" Kimmi backhanded Reiko in the mouth. "You're going too far." "Yeah whatever. Come inside." Me, Sora, Fumihito, and Akira walked inside.

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