Developing Likings

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Today is now Wednesday, and I'm actually excited to go back to school! I've made many friends, so I'm looking forward to it. I was so ready, that I'm already fully dressed. "Hey Hechu, are you ready in there?" "Yes, I'm coming." I walked out of my room. "Well, look who is finally up and ready on time." "Shutup!" We both laughed and walked out of the house, going to the car so he can take me to school. I again looked at the sky as we drove to school. I can't help but to actually be excited for school today. I can't wait to meet my friends, or maybe even make more.

When I made it to school, I got out of the car. "Have a good day Hechu!" "Thank you!" Before I walked into the doors, I was greeted by a familiar person. "Hey Hechu." It was Sora. "Oh, hey Sora!" We headed to our first hour. "You seem more alive than usual. What's up with you?" "Oh, well... this is the most friends I've ever had at school, so I was excited to meet everyone." "Oh, that's cool. All of the people that introduced themselves to you are your friends though... not mine. But.. I want you to meet some people. Don't get scared though, they're all girls." He laughed a little. "What do you mean? I'm not scared of girls." "Well, you're about to be freaked out from the ones i'm about to show you." I wonder what he means.

We both walked into the classroom together. "Over here, in this corner." Instead of being on the left side, I was on the right, and actually inside of a corner. There were four girls. "Hey everyone. I would like to introduce you to this guy." "Uh.. hi, my name is Hechu Akihiro, i'm sixteen and i'm 5'6." These two girls with orange and black hair started talking. They seemed to have a whole theme going on. The one with orange hair had fully black eyes, pupils and everything, a black jacket, black t-shirt, an orange skirt, and black and orange shoes. Then, the one with black hair had the complete opposite. She had fully white eyes this time, an orange jacket, an orange t-shirt, a black skirt, and black and orange shoes. Not only that, they started talking after each other, finishing each other's sentences. "Hello, Hechu, my name is Hikari Fusae. And my name is Hitomi Fusae." Then, at the same time, "I hope we can be friends." Sora was right, I am freaked out from these two.

Then, there were these two girls, leaning onto each other. "Hey, do you want to introduce yourself first?" "Yeah, sure. Hello Hechu, my name is Kimmi Nobuko! I'm sixteen and i'm 5'4." "Hello as well, Hechu. My name is Reiko Kaori, i'm seventeen and i'm also 5'6. This shorty over here is my girlfriend." "Hey, I'm not short! I'm average!" "Yeah yeah, shutup cutey." Kimmi started to blush from that nickname. They seem to have a healthy relationship. Kimmi Nobuko has a higher, more child-like voice, kind of like Sora's voice. While on the other hand, Reiko Kaori has a more mature voice. Kimmi Nobuko's hair color was a dark pink, and she had a very loud pink crop top on, with fishnet sleeves, a black skirt, and pink, black, and white shoes. I guess there isn't any dress coding with what she is wearing. Reiko Kaori's hair color was more like a silver color, which is cool. She had on a gray crop top, fishnet sleeves, a black skirt, and gray, black, and white shoes. Why is everyone matching in this corner?

"Well, that took a while. But hey, you all know each other now, correct?" "Yes" They still freak me out. It's almost like, they share the same mind. Both Kimmi and Reiko said yes. I nodded my head. "Alright, cool! Hechu, we will open you with wide arms to this friend group! Or atleast.. I will." "Don't worry, Kimmi and I will as well." "Yes, we will as well." I can't stand how they finish each other's sentences like that. It sounds like someone saying a full on sentence themselves. No pausing when it gets to each person, the sentence just flows out fluently. We all talked and laughed with each other until it was time to go to our next hour. 

The last two hours were nice. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the door. I was the last one to leave the classroom, considering I didn't really want to walk with anyone. I went to the lunchroom. I didn't get to pack a lunch, so I will have to get school lunch. I got in line and grabbed my tray. It was something wrapped in tinfoil, kinda looked like a burrito. "Hey, come on Hechu!" It was Sora. Again. He was sitting with the same girls that I met before. I walked over to their table. Sora tapped his hand on the spot next to him, basically telling me to sit there. I obliged. I opened the burrito that was wrapped in tinfoil. The bread was.. soggy. I am not going to eat that. "Hey Hechu, what's wrong?" "Well.. the food doesn't look too good." Reiko started talking. "Hey, if you don't want it, can I have it?" "Yeah, sure." I gave her my tray. "Ew, that's so nasty Reiko." "I know you want a bite." "No.. I don't. Which is why I gave you mine." "Sucks to suck."

"Well, I have something for you. I don't want you to leave the lunchroom on an empty stomach." He pulled out... a bento box, and sat it in front of me. I fe

lt like I started to blush a little. I opened it, and it was a simple but neat bento box. It had rice, fish, precooked vegetables, but the special thing inside of it, was chocolate dipped strawberries. "I made it myself! I was going to eat it, but I think you need it a little more than me." She did a little laugh. I... I love it. "Th-thank you Sora.." "Aww, is someone flustered?" "N-no!" Everyone at the table started laughing, including me. I ate the bento box that Sora gave me.

After the last couple of hours, it was time to go. I walked outside, and Azasho was waiting on me. I got into the car. He pulled off. "How was school today Hechu?" "It was AWESOME! I made four more friends!" "Oh really? Were all of them nice to you?" "Yes, two of them were sisters and the other two were dating." "Oh okay okay. How many boys and how many girls?" "U-uhm... they're all.. girls.." "Ooohh, I see what you're trying to do. You're a ladies man, aren't you Hechu?" "No, I've already told you that I'm bisexual!" "I know, I know. Just messing with you." We made it home. Azasho unlocked and opened the door, letting me in first. 

After a couple hours of playing games on my phone, I decided to lay down and get some rest. Azasho doesn't check on me anymore when it's time for me to get some rest because he said that he "trusted me," which is nice. I can't stop thinking about her... Sora. I... I think I like her.

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