Asalam O Alikum Wa Rahmatullah Hi Wabarakatu!!
In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, and The Most Merciful!
I hope you guys are all doing well in every way by the Will of Allah :)
Okay so to the main topic at hand!
First: JazakAllah Kahir!!!! 1.67K reads?!
Amazing you guys are!
Alhamdulilah!! I can't believe as I see how the numbers of reads increase like everyday!
Alhamdulilah! :)
Okay so as the title conveys 'New Story' this note is about that, I wanted to ask you guys that I have written a new book and have written a few chapters of it, so do you want me to publish that book now or do you want me to publish it after I finish this book, Awaited Redemption?
Please leave a comment or message so I could know your opinion!
JazakAllah Khair for you time and patience :)
Take care and don't forget to smile! It's Sunnah :)
Awaited Redemption
SpiritualTwo weeks. Four students. Number one: Aarifah, with her endless struggles of maintaining a balance between her worldly and religious beliefs. Number two: Walid, with his un-ignorable past actions, and the consequences of these actions that haunt hi...