Chapter 4

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SSV Enterprise, QEC Room

Shepard is waiting in the QEC room for the Phoenix Director to call as her mission did not go as planned. As she leans on the wall, she can't help but think about the faces of her old crew when they found out she went rogue. As she thought about the mission, the QEC went off. Shepard moved over to the QEC terminal and entered her codes and placed her palm on the scanner.

"Director." Shepard acknowledged the Phoenix Director as her holo appeared.

"The op did not go as planned. What happened?" asked the director as Shepard thought about what to say.

"Hackett knew we were coming, Ash and James showed up. They have confirmation that I'm no longer with the Alliance."

"Ashley Williams and James Vega. Old crew of yours I take it. Will they be a problem, Commander Shepard? I mean your whole crew, not just Williams and Vega. I'm sure the Alliance has already spoken to the Hierarchy. Will he be a problem, Shepard?" the director asked as Shepard stopped in her tracks, realizing that the Alliance has already spoken with the Hierarchy and they would get Garrus involved.

"They won't be a problem, Director. I promise you that. I won't let them get in my way," answered Shepard as the Phoenix Director weighed her words.

"I will hold you to that, Shepard. Now that the Alliance knows you have gone rogue, I think it's time for us to move ahead with the plan," stated the director.

"Are you sure? It's too soon."

"We don't have much choice. The Alliance will act. The loss of Harbinger is a big blow for us, and it will take time to find him again. This will keep them busy," stated the director as Shepard weighed her options.

"Fine. But I won't move yet, not until I get a hold of someone who can help. Especially now that the Alliance knows I'm rogue," stated Shepard as the director showed confusion. Shepard had to consider her options now that the Alliance knows what and who to look for. She must call in favors and find any good she can in a galaxy that thinks Commander Shepard is dead.

"Who are you calling in, Shepard, so I can get her clearance to board and operate onboard the Enterprise?"

"An old friend, Sara Anderson, or you might know her as the Shadow," answered Shepard as the director eyed Shepard.

"Of all the people you know, she is the one person besides the Shadow Broker we have basically no intel on. What makes you think she will help you?" asked the director as Shepard smiled.

"Like I said, she is an old friend, and she owes me a few favors," Shepard clarified.

"I see. Very well, Shepard. Once you contact her...just get it done," stated the director as the connection was cut.

"Well, that went better than expected... Katie, anything on that com frequency yet?" asked Shepard.

"No, nothing yet, Commander," stated Katie as Jack chimed in.

"Commander, you have an incoming call, private communication. Do you want me to reroute it to your cabin?" asked Jack as Shepard walked to the elevator.

"Yes, that will be fine, Jack," stated Shepard as she brought up the specs of the call on her omni-tool. As Shepard made it to her cabin, she wondered who would call like this. She knew none of her old crew had her contact info, including Hackett. As she entered her room, she went up to her terminal and brought up the call.

"Sara, I should have expected you would find my number. What took you so long?" Shepard teased at the picture of a human female with long blond hair and dark blue eyes. Shepard could tell she was in her "work" suit.

"What do you think? Dad just told me you are off the deep end...what the hell took you, Shepard. That S-class base was good work. Are you trying to make me look bad, Jane?" Sara teased back as she spoke to her old friend.

"Yeah, that was fun. Been a while since I had a challenge," Shepard stated as Sara just eyed her.

"What? The Reapers were not challenging enough," stated Sara as they both laughed. "Now tell me what you want, Jane. My dad better not be a part of this."

"He won't be, at least not directly anyway," answered Shepard as this got the attention of the Shadow.

"I'm listening," Sara stated as Shepard's grin widened.

"I need you to get me inside Alliance HQ in London," Shepard answered as she leaned against the wall of her cabin.

"Shepard, you are insane," Sara stated as Shepard remained where she planted herself.

"You're just figuring this out now, Sar," Shepard teased.

"I'm not playing fun and games. You have gone rogue. You have my dad's best men going after you, which would be your old crew. You're a wanted person. You destroyed an S-class Alliance base by basically walking in and walking out. Then you took that to Mars and once again kicked the N7 in the teeth. And now you want me to get you into one of the most secure buildings in Alliance space. Did I miss anything, Jane?" Sara stated as she waited for Shepard to answer.

"Nope, that's everything in a nutshell. Will you help me, Sara?" Shepard pleaded as Sara sighed.

"When do we begin, Jane?" Sara grinned as Shepard did the same.

Mass Effect Betrayal Act 1- Shepards Revenge Where stories live. Discover now