Chapter 9

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SSV Enterprise, Sol System, Neptune Orbit

Shepard is in her cabin sitting under warm running water. She has been here for a few hours, still running through her mind what happened when she confronted Hackett and Garrus. Shepard could not believe the look on Garrus's face when he saw her chasing them down and setting charges to explode. He knew why she was doing this, but he did not like how. This coming from the Archangel of Omega.

It hurt her to see that he no longer trusted her. He had been with her from the start, never hesitating to follow her, maybe a little complaining but never hesitating. This time, though, she knew he would not come with her. But she could at least warn him about the rebel Turians on Palaven.

What truly shocked her was what she told Hackett. She had never, in her life, ever threatened anyone the way she did. She was always known as a paragon of the Alliance, of humanity. Granted, she had threatened before, but never where it turned your blood to ice. On the way back, Sara told Shepard that she had never, in her life, had her blood turn to ice or had shivers go up her spine the way she did when she threatened the Prime Minister.

After a few more moments, she left the shower and made her way to get dressed in her uniform. Once she was done, DAN came over the speaker.

"Commander, the director would like to have a word with you in the QEC room, ma'am," stated DAN as he signed off. With that, Shepard looked at the time - three hours had passed since she entered the shower. As she exited her cabin and went down the elevator and entered the CIC, she saw Sara talking with Jack. Sara, once again in her Infiltrator suit. Shepard caught the eye of Sara and nodded as she made her way to the QEC.

Once Shepard arrived at the QEC, Sara showed up behind her as she did her code confirmation. After a moment, the Director appeared. From what Shepard could tell, the Director was pleased with how the results had presented themselves.

"Good work, both of you," stated the Director as Sara stepped forward. Shepard noticed that Sara's mask was on - a mask that simply showed her blue eyes. "The Alliance is in chaos, along with the United Galaxy. Your threat to the Prime Minister has really scared him," stated the Director as Shepard simply looked at the Director.

"It was not a threat, it was a promise," Shepard clarified, bringing chills to both Sara and the Director.

"Yes...either way, you went off mission by chasing down Hackett. Don't do this again!" stated the Director.

"I told you before we started this that I have my own agenda..." Shepard suddenly stopped and looked at the Director. "Yes, Director, it won't happen again," Shepard answered, leaving Sara to stare at Shepard, trying to figure out what had just happened. At first, Shepard was arguing with the Director, and in a split moment, she became a docile kitten.

"Good, you are leaving the Sol System and heading to a planet in the Armstrong Cluster. We may have a lead on Harbinger. You are to bring me that data, no matter the cost," ordered the Director. Her holo disappeared as Shepard turned back to exit the room, and Sara stopped her.

"Jane, what just happened?" asked Sara as Shepard eyed her.

"The Director just gave us a new assessment. Your job is done; you can leave, or you can stay. It's up to you, Sar," answered Shepard, not fully answering Sara's question.

"That's not what I meant. I was talking about after you argued with the Director, you just stopped and you just said 'yes, it won't happen again'," clarified Sara as she removed her mask, while Shepard just looked at her.

"I did, Sara. I just figured I'd play along... for now," stated Shepard, further puzzling Sara.

"I see. Very well," Sara answered.

"Sara, I am done fighting. I have been fighting for a long time now. Hell, I even died. I just want to live my life with him. I am done fighting," answered Shepard, almost coming to tears, as she made her way to the CIC, leaving a shocked Sara behind.

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