Chapter 17

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Main Governmental Building, Rannoch.

Commander Jane Shepard has been in front of the Quarian and Geth leaders for the past two hours, trying to convince them to join what is quickly becoming a galactic rebellion. The Quarians are the only race not in rebellion, as they were the only ones who vocally voiced their disapproval of the Alliance's decision to betray Shepard after the revelation from London. Simply put, they are tired of fighting rebellions. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that whoever has the Quarians' support will control the Civil War that is brewing. Shepard has just placed before the conclave the proposal she gave to Tali before entering the building. For the most part, they are quiet or simply talking among themselves.

Shepard thought to herself how lucky she was when the director agreed to answer her call if she could not convince them. Talks were starting to break down when she placed the proposal before the conclave. The Geth were surprised by this, their flaps flickering, intrigued by this development. The Admiralty simply stirred in their seats as they already knew of this. The Conclave was surprised by this, as they did not know the Admiralty would authorize such a thing, but right now, that is a moot point.

The conclave speaker rose from his seat as the Admiralty waited for his decision. "Commander Shepard, you have made many valid points and a...very interesting proposal, but we require further information. Your allegation has little merit," stated the speaker, very much hoping this is true, but must be realistic right now as many have claimed such. But the fact that the Admiralty is moved by this is startling and proves part of the allegation to be true.

Shepard figured this would happen; years of dealing with politicians has prepared her to a degree.

"I figured you would need further proof. I managed to convince the Phoenix Director to be ready for my call at a moment's notice. With your permission, I can get the Director," stated Shepard as the conclave stirred. The speaker simply nodded. Shepard reached into her belt and pulled out a holographic ball. The conclave and the Admiralty held their breath. The Geth's eye flaps started to flicker. Shepard pressed the eye of the holographic ball and then it started to float. In a few moments, the eye started to form a shape. In a few seconds, the form of a Quarian with a slick black-designed respirator mask appeared. The breath the Quarians held released. The Geth stood amazed and intrigued by what they saw in front of them. "Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the Phoenix Director Robyn Harper," Shepard introduced the Phoenix Director. The Conclave started to talk among themselves. The Admiralty simply stirred once again, seeing the Phoenix Director in front of them. The Geth were simply surprised to see a creator outside of a suit.

"Hello, members of the Conclave. I am Robyn Harper, Director of the organization known as Phoenix. I know you have a lot of questions. I am quite sure Shepard has told you of the proposal?" Director Harper starts as the members of the conclave talk amongst themselves.

"I must be truthful; it is not an exact science. But I'm quite sure it is a gamble you are willing to take," stated the Director, as Karin moved to Shepard's side.

"Commander, the Enterprise just called. A small group of mercenaries just took an orbital platform. They are wearing Alliance colors and armor," Karen informed Shepard as Quarian aides moved to the Speaker and the Quarian Admiralty. Shepard turned to her quickly becoming her second. Shepard did not think the Alliance would be so bold to attack the Quarians and Geth. Shepard thought she had more time. She was wrong.

"Director, with your permission, I would like to take a small team and retake the orbital platform. Maybe a small contingent of Geth," Shepard asked Director Harper.

"Granted, do what you have to. I will stay and continue to talk with the Conclave and Geth," Director Harper states as she walked to the door. Tali quickly ran up to her.

"Shepard, permission to accompany you?" Tali asks as Karin and Sara follow them out of the building and to the shuttle waiting for them.

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