Chapter 30

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The Coalition is lingering on the brink of disaster. In their rush to overwhelm the planet of Faros before the Citadel Council forces could intervene, they initiated an ill-fated invasion of the Faros Planetary System. This resulted in the loss of numerous soldiers and operatives. At present, the Coalition is without a foothold, their forces are dispersed across the planet, and their military is in disarray, trapped behind enemy lines.

Following the successful defense of Faros by the Alliance, the Coalition has been presented with terms of peace. These terms include a complete withdrawal from human space by the Coalition, the Coalition will allow the Alliance to continue its existence. Additionally, the Alliance will issue a public apology to Commander Jane Shepard, along with the recognition of Coalition sovereignty. By accepting these terms, peace can be achieved.

The leadership of the Coalition has yet to formally announce whether they will accept these terms. Meanwhile, they are amassing a more formidable force to launch an attack on Faros. It's now certain that the Council forces will reach the planet before the Coalition's assault teams are prepared to strike. If the Coalition declines the terms, which align with their objectives except for the continuation of the Alliance, the remnants of the initial invasion force will have to hold their position until reinforcements arrive.

Due to the shuttle being hit by anti-air fire which resulted in Commander Shepard being thrown from her shuttle, the Coalition remains unsure about her current condition and status. All they know is that the Established Area of Operation (EAO) is swarming with Alliance patrols. In light of this, the Coalition opts to delay making any official announcements, recognizing the importance of seeking advice from Commander Shepard first. They swiftly realize that the Alliance is unaware of Shepard's presence on the planet, which buys the Coalition some valuable time to strategize and plan their next moves.
On the planet Faros, the remnants of the Coalition invasion force are engaged in fierce combat with the Alliance forces who have retained control of the planet. Next to a charred Mako, a lone female Phoenix operative is sprawled amidst the rubble. Attempting to get up, she clings to the Mako's tire for support. She's in severe pain, the worst she's felt since the final day of the Reaper War.

Shepard tries to walk, but the pain from the shuttle fall is intense. Her helmet is cracked on the left side and she can feel blood streaming down her face. Removing the broken helmet, she notes the visor over her left eye is gone, with a sizable crack impairing the left side. She discards the helmet and tries to reach some cover, but a jolt of pain from her left abdomen causes her to collapse.

Activating her Omni-tool, Shepard scans her injuries: a large gash just above her left eye, three broken ribs, a badly bruised knee, and a sprained ankle, all on her left side. Likely, this is where she landed. She can't recall much after she falls from the shuttle. As she applies medi-gel to her injuries to manage the pain, she moves towards an abandoned building. With each step she drags her feet, barely able to see. Upon reaching the building, she finds an isolated corner in the back room and promptly collapses on the floor she gasps for breath, utterly exhausted.

In a desperate attempt to reach any nearby Coalition forces, Shepard sends out a distress signal. The only response is a deafening silence, a static void. The lack of response could mean the Alliance has successfully cut off their communications or that the Coalition has failed to secure a presence on the planet.

Shepard remains seated on the cold, hard ground, allowing the medicinal effects of medi-gel to seep into her wounds. After around thirty minutes, she steels herself to move, still in pain but substantially better than before. She relies on nearby tables for support while retrieving her pistol. As she ventures out of the building, the sounds of crackling flames, the whizzing of artillery, and the sporadic pop of small arms fire fill her ears.

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