Chapter 6

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Sol System, Earth, London, United Kingdom.

In a skycar above the city of London, Shepard flew over the city and started to remember the last few hours of the Reaper war. As she daydreams, she looks over to one of her closest friends. Just like on Mars, Shepard is in a civilian outfit, but unlike Mars where her hair was down and free, this time it's in a ponytail going out the back of the baseball cap she is wearing. Shepard likes the sunglasses with the HUD, so she kept them. Sara says a simple change is all it takes to blend in. If her job goes south, all she does is change the way she looks and is able to blend in.

"So what are we going to do, Sar?" asked Shepard as Sara looked over to her and within a second, a hologram with pictures of areas of the building they will be entering appears.

"Quite simply, Shep, I managed to pull a few favors. The front guard will just let us in. Then we will move to section 2-C, which is near our target. No one will be near the location at the time we go in. So we will scale the wall to level 4. Then we wait till I get the signal from my contact," Sara explained as the hologram kept changing. "We will have five minutes to get in and close a window. Afterwards, we have four five-minute windows to get past certain areas of the building with cameras. After this, we should be just outside the target. When we get the signal, we have 15 minutes to finish what you have to do. Then we get the hell out of there through the front door."

"You've been doing this way...too...long, Sara," Shepard teased. Sara just smiled.

"You asked for the best, Jane," Sara said with pride.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, Sar," Shepard teased again.

"You want me to help you or what, Jane?" Sara teased.

"Fine...fine, spoil my fun, will you," stated Shepard as Alliance HQ came into view.

"Alright, Jane, whatever you do, don't talk. They have voice recognition at the guard checkpoint. Keep your cap and glasses on as well, we don't want any cameras on us just yet," Sara ordered.

"Got it, Sar," Shepard acknowledged her. Sara brought the car into the checkpoint. As they came to a complete stop and the door opened, an Alliance officer was revealed. Sara handed him both Shepard's and her credentials. After a few moments and a computer scan later, the guard handed back their IDs and waved them through. With that, Sara closed the door and made her way to the second part of the plan.

"So far, so good," Shepard stated as they made their way to area section 2-C. As they moved along the building, Shepard saw countless Alliance personnel. And she saw the uniforms she has come to hate with a passion. Shepard could feel her breakfast in her throat. As they kept moving, they noticed less traffic and little to no traffic near section 2-C. Sara moved the car to a stop and brought up a small datapad to make sure that this is the area.

"Ok, we have five minutes before my contact is ready. So let's get started, Shepard," stated Sara as Shepard simply nods at her best friend. As they exit the car, Sara moves over to a duffel bag and grabs it and hands it to Shepard, who places it on the ground and opens it. Within the duffel bag, Shepard reaches for a claw hook with rope attached to it and the small shooter, and then closes the bag and swings it onto her back and looks to Sara.

Sara once again looks at her pad, and after a few seconds looks back at Shepard and nods. With this, Sara puts on a pair of gloves as Shepard aims just past the fourth-floor window and shoots and hooks onto the wall. Sara grabs the rope and checks it. Sara starts to scale the wall, and after she has climbed far enough, Shepard starts to scale the wall as well.

Shepard's HUD is showing they have three minutes left to reach the fourth floor. She can tell Sara is halfway to the floor, and she is right behind her. Two minutes left, Sara reaches the window and right next to it is a small keypad. In a few moments, the window opens, and Sara crawls in. With a minute left, Shepard climbs into the room. Sara closes the window with a few seconds to spare.

Once Shepard and Sara enter the room, Sara looks at her pad and motions Shepard to a nearby door. Shepard moves to the side of the door and notices a couple of Alliance officers and personnel moving along the hallway. Sara punches in the code for the door and waits a few seconds before she opens it. Sara's pad turns green, and Shepard's HUD shows a countdown of five minutes. She opens the door and starts to walk down the hallway with Shepard in tow. The Alliance personnel pay no attention to the "contract workers" as they move swiftly down the hallway. As both women walk down the hallway, Shepard can't help but notice how blind the soldiers are to her and the Shadow. It's amazing how easily she is walking the hallways where one of the most wanted individuals is right under their noses. Shepard can't help but smile.

As they reach the end of the hallway, Sara checks her pad once more. After a few moments, she opens the door and lets Shepard through as the timer on her HUD resets to five minutes. Sara follows Shepard this time, and the traffic is not as congested as the last hall. The trip to the other door is not as slow. Once they arrive, Sara moves for her pad and then moves to open the door as once again Shepard's timer resets to five.

Shepard lets Sara take the lead this time as the hallway is almost deserted of Alliance personnel, except a few aides. As Shepard and Sara move down the hallway, the aides are oblivious to them. They make it down the hallway without being stopped. Odds are the Alliance may think Shepard would not be so bold or idiotic to enter the most secure building in Alliance space.

As they reach the last door, Shepard and Sara stop as Sara checks once more and opens it as the timer resets once more. This time, there is no traffic as they enter the hallway. Both women see their target, the Alliance data core. The walk to the core is unhindered. As they reach the door, Sara looks at her pad and enters the code to the data core. In a swift moment, Sara opens the data core as Shepard's timer changes to 15 minutes.

Sara and Shepard move to each side of the door, preparing to enter. Both reach inside their jackets and pull out a new Phoenix pistol, looking like a human 21st-century USP 45 pistol with a small suppressor using modern technology. Unlike most weapons, it does not fold up; it is ready to go. Just a flip of the safety, and it's ready to fire. It uses magazine thermal clips, and a single thermal clip will fire 15 rounds before being replaced by another clip in the magazine.

As Sara enters the code, the door opens. Sara and Shepard move into the room. Shepard notices the Data Core is empty, and with that, Sara waves off Shepard as she moves into the Data Core. Once inside, the door closes as Shepard places the duffel bag and reaches into her jacket and pulls out a small data pad and starts to look around for the server she needs. Shepard's timer on her HUD shows 11 minutes before she and Sara must leave.

As she moves along the room, looking around until she finds the server she needs, a broadcast server able to broadcast throughout Alliance space, civilian or military, Shepard brings out one of the trays holding a pad port. As Sara moves along the servers, Shepard hooks the pad to the server and starts her download. Sara moves to the duffel bag and grabs a bundle of explosives and starts to place them in the room.

"Alright," exclaimed Shepard as the download was done.

"Alright, work is done. What about you, Sar?" asked Shepard as Sara finished placing the last charge.

"All done, let's move." Sara ordered as they moved to the door of the data core.

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