Chapter 16

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On board Phoenix Shuttle above Rannoch

As the shuttle moved along the reddish-blueish sky, she remembered what happened on this planet. She remembered how the Quarians forced the Geth to side with the Reapers, and how she had lost one of her closest friends, Legion, the only Geth she truly liked. But right now, she was about to meet with the leaders of the Admiralty and Conclave and the Geth Consensus. It was an old alliance for a new age. At the end of the Reaper war, with the help of the mysterious Leviathan, they had resurrected the mass relays. The other races were able to return to their worlds. The Quarians, very grateful for Shepard's involvement with Leviathan, were able to return to Rannoch.

Shepard's shuttle landed at a newly constructed landing pad. As the doors opened, an old friend, Admiral Tali'Zorah, stepped forward to greet her. Shepard stepped out of the craft and Tali walked over to her.

"Shepard, good to see you," stated Tali as she hugged Shepard.

"You as well, Tali. I wish it was under better circumstances," Shepard replied.

"Yes, me as well. You will find safe haven here, Shepard," Tali assured her. She gestured towards a sky car that had her team of Karin and Sara inside. Jack remained on the Enterprise to update security protocols. Shepard followed Tali into the sky car and they began their journey.

As they entered the car, Shepard sat in the front seat with Tali. Tali quickly directed the sky car towards the east, and Shepard caught a glimpse of the main government building.

"So how have you been, Tali?" Shepard asked, breaking the silence.

"Personally, I have been better, Shepard. Your civil war has the galaxy fighting each other...but I'm glad you are okay," Tali replied. Shepard glanced at the rearview mirror and saw Karin smiling.

"What do I need to know about the leadership? Where do things stand?" Shepard inquired as Tali landed the sky car and opened the doors.

"Tali? You haven't answered me," Shepard reminded her.

Tali stopped and sighed. "You basically have the board on your side, including Garrel and myself. But it is evenly split with the Conclave. The Geth are yours for helping them during the war. To gain the support of the Conclave, you'll need to convince them why we should back you and your allies, Shepard. And that's not all — if you can convince us, you will also get the Turian Rebels, led by your...mate's sister, to aid you," Tali explained.

"Turian Rebels...really?" Shepard questioned, though she already knew about the Rebels. She decided to keep that knowledge to herself.

"Yes, if you can convince the Conclave, you will have an alliance that can crush the Systems Alliance," Tali confirmed.

"What would convince them, Tali? What do I need?" Shepard asked as they stood outside the government building, with other bystanders watching them.

"It's simple... Phoenix has research facilities and plenty of funds to help bolster our immune systems. If you can guarantee that, we will intervene, Shepard. The Geth are already helping with our immune systems, but they have their limitations. We just need a push," Tali replied. Shepard smiled, not surprised by this request.

"I might be able to help with that, and even go a step further. A few years before I joined the Alliance, they initiated an outreach program that aimed to improve your people's immune systems and humanity's as well. My father was the lead for the Alliance, and your people sent a few biotechs, with a couple of them as their leads," Shepard revealed.

"Which Admiral authorized this? Please tell me. Do you know, Shepard?" Tali asked, wanting confirmation.

"Do you even need to ask, Tali? It was your father, if I remember correctly. Unfortunately, it was abandoned after the Turian Blackwatch killed the Quarian biotechs and the couple," Shepard answered. Tali's interest grew.

"Do you know if they were successful, Shepard?" Tali asked, excitement building.

"Yes, to a degree. The biotechs had a daughter, whose immune system was much stronger. She is able to live outside of a suit, although she has to wear a respirator mask. I'm guessing that's a price worth paying to be able to touch the walls of this building with your bare hands," Shepard stated, as she touched the walls of the building with her armored hand. Tali stood there, dumbfounded. Shepard could see tears in Tali's eyes, knowing that her father's dream could be realized. Wanting to drive her point home, Shepard removed her gloved hand and touched the walls of the building with her ungloved hand.

Tali was speechless for a few moments, and finally managed to say something. "What happened to her, Shepard?"

"After the Quarian adults were killed, their daughter ended up in the hands of Cerberus," Shepard revealed. Tali was surprised.

"You must be joking, Shepard... Cerberus? Why?" Tali asked, confused.

"I asked her that, but even she couldn't come up with an answer. The Illusive Man raised her as his daughter, adopting some of his ideals, including protecting Earth at any cost," Shepard explained. Tali looked at Shepard, now with even more questions.

"What do you mean you asked her? Do you know who she is, who she works for?" Tali pressed.

"I do know her. She is the Phoenix director. My boss," Shepard revealed, causing Tali to become stiff as she processed this information.

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