Chapter 40

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Seven Hours after the death of the Shadow

Shepard is on her way back to the Enterprise, feeling a mix of emotions after going through something she never wants to experience again. She allowed those she considered close to fulfill their duties, only to tragically lose their lives in the process. In the corner of the shuttle, there lies a body bag containing the remains of her dear friend. Shepard knows that Hackett will undoubtedly want her back in some form.

Now, she's gearing up to confront the Coalition Leadership for the last time, as their betrayal won't go unanswered. Once she regains control of her Empire, her next targets will be Victus and Director Harper, and the Citadel Council can either play along or face the consequences. Shepard is done playing games with the so-called leaders of the galaxy. She agrees with Sara's belief that peace must reign throughout the galaxy, and she believes she's the one who can make it happen. Her war needs to come to an end. She can't keep fighting old battles just for the sake of returning to the status quo. The galaxy needs to evolve into something greater, and Shepard is determined to bring about that change. Sara was right, and Shepard is ready to bring real change and true peace to her Empire.

As the shuttle lands and the door opens, Shepard's eyes fall upon the crew, their faces beaming with joy. Among them, some of her Battered Bastards, join in the chorus of cheers. Shepard's gaze locks with Katherine, who stands just outside the door. Slowly, Shepard approaches, mindful of her tender side. Katherine embraces her, swaying gently from side to side. Shepard pulls back, planting a swift kiss on Katherine's lips before they part.

"So... Off to the Republic Homeworld, then?" Admiral Gerrel remarks as he walks out of the crowd, the group eagerly awaiting Shepard's next move. However, Shepard has different plans brewing in her mind.

"No... Set a course for Rannoch... The Coalition Capital World... Gerrel, be honest with me, did you have any idea?" Shepard asks, her voice tinged with a mix of seriousness and curiosity.

"That the Leadership had authorized your assassination..." Gerrel responds, shocking the crew of the Enterprise. Gerrel knows better than lie to Shepard.

"... Only after you reported that you had taken down the Shadow. The Leadership wanted confirmation of your death, not Director Anderson's... So, what's your plan for Rannoch?" Gerrel asks since this does involve his homeworld. Shepard looks at him, taking a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking the words aloud for the first time.

"To bring peace and order to my new Empire..." Shepard's own admission catches her by surprise. Referring to this organization as her Empire leaves everyone in the room astonished. Shepard scans the faces, trying to gauge their reactions. Many appear uneasy, to say the least, while others remain uncertain. Only Katherine, who had been confided in months ago, stands there unfazed. Shepard notices that Gerrel wears a displeased expression.

"Your new Empire..." Gerrel responds, his tone reflecting his discontent as the group eagerly awaits Shepard's response.

"Yes... My... Our new Empire... We have an opportunity to bring about real change... The Leadership sent us all to die on Faros and this frozen wasteland... I am no saint... I've set aside my morals for some time now... I am tired... Before I leave our Empire to its own devices, I want it to thrive. To stand on its own two feet... Together, we can bring peace and stability to our nation... We have the chance to reshape the galaxy once and for all, to bring about genuine change... They are betraying you. Join me, and together we can put an end to them, ushering in a new era of true change..." Shepard's words resonate, drawing inspiration from Sara's ideals. The room falls into a contemplative silence. A Geth Prime has been broadcasting Shepard's words to the fleet and her troops on the ground. Garrel steps forward, and Shepard braces herself for his response, knowing it won't be favorable.

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