the assignment

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iris POV

I was bouncing my foot up and down, matching the beat of the song on the song that was in my head.
I started humming, trying to remember the lyrics
I felt a tap on my shoulder and shot up, refocusing.
"Did you here me? I said you'll be paired with Miss Noceda for the project" I looked up at the bard teacher, trying to process what he just said.
"Luz?" whispered under my breath trying to put a face to the name.

The teacher went on calling out other names when I turned around, trying to find 'Luz'. I then saw a girl who sat a couple seats behind me softly wave and smile. I gave a small smile back then looked back at the front of the classroom. I guess I zoned out again. I really need to stop doing that.

The bell screamed and everyone got up.
"You will need to complete this song next wednesday. NEXT WEDNESDAY!" He yelled, making sure everyone who was walking out of the class heard. I packed up my stuff and swooped my backpack over my shoulders, onto my back. As I was walking out the door I heard my name being called. I turned around on my heel, looking up at Mr. Carmen.

"Yes?" I asked, voice soft. He leaned down and put a hand on my shoulder. "You need to try and focus in my class. I know you're top student but that doesn't mean you get to zone off the whole time."
"Yes sir. I'm sorry, I will do better on Monday"
He nodded then let me walk off.

I stepped outside of the classroom and starting going to my locker.
"HIYA!" A voiced yelled, startling me. My eyes went wide and I turned to the side, seeing it was that Luz girl. "Hi" I replied, putting my books in my locker.

"Iris right?" She asked, holding out a hand. I closed my locker and glanced at her hand, not shaking it. Instead I nodded, and looked back up. " not a big hand shaker fan" Luz said, putting her hand down. "So for the you want to come to my house? Mr. Carmen said we had to get at least the beat of the song done over the weekend"

"Sure that sounds good" I agreed. "I'll probably have to go my house before to grab my instrument"
"Okay cool!" Luz chirped, then grabbed out a piece of paper and a pen. "Here's the directions to my house...we kinda don't have an adress so" She smiled while handing me the note. I looked down at it, seeing her loopy handwriting that had very specific directions to take. "Thanks, I can be there around 3:30?" I said, a hint of question in my voice while putting it in my back pocket. "That sounds great!" She smiled then started walking off. "See you later!" Luz waved to me and ran up to what I'm guessing is her friends.

I sighed and walked the other direction. How could she be in such a happy mood all the time I'm literally so tired. I opened the front doors to Hexside and walked down the steps, going home.

"Raine you home?" I yelled out while slipping my shoes off. There was no response, meaning they were still at work. I set my backpack down and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I quickly took off my hexside uniform, I hated how it looked. It was so ugly for no reason. I went over to my dresser and pulled out high waisted baggy blue jeans along with a deep purple cropped tank top. I grabbed my black leather jacket that Raine got me for my 12th birthday. I looked in the mirror and put my deep brown curly hair up in a ponytail, pulling my overgrown bangs out to frame it.

I went downstairs to grab a snack before I went over to the Luz girls house. I've never noticed her before but I don't pay attention a lot anyways. I bit into an apple then walked back upstairs to grab my electric guitar. Taking it off the stand, I put it into its case so it wouldn't get damaged. I glanced in the mirror and realized I wasn't wearing any earrings. I quickly put on gold dangly moon and sun earrings in the first hole, then small gold hoops in the second.

Looking at the time, it read 3:12. I should probably leave now so I'm not late. I lifted my guitar case up and over, leaving it on one shoulder. I got on my black platformed combat shoes that had pink, white, orange and yellow beads I put on them. I walked out the door, looking at the directions Luz gave me.

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