im sorry

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iris POV

I walked down the stairs with Luz beside me.
"Hi Appa!" I cheerfully said, covering up the fact I was just sobbing.
"Iris!" they hugged me then saw Luz standing awkwardly behind me. "And who is this?" Raine smirked, looking at Luz.
"This is Luz" I smiled, putting my hand on her back to push her forward.
"Hi!" she put out a hand to shake but Raine grabbed her instead and pulled her into a hug.

"I've heard so much about you!" Rain said, smiling down at her. I looked at them confused since I only talking about her like twice.
"You're doing a project together, is that right?" they asked Luz.
"Yes! Actually we're preforming it tomorrow.." Luz said, giving me the chance to slip in and ask them.

"Yeah! I organized a whole pep rally to showcase off the Bards original songs we made" I said, smiling and proud of myself. "That's so cool!" Raine said smiling. "Yeah everyone is coming and also their parents so..I was thinking you could take off tomorrow?" I asked, holding my hands together. I saw their eyes light up, then slowly shut down.

"What's wrong?" panic started filling my voice. "They told me I had to work tomorrow" Raine said, their voice softening. I felt my throat closing up, then turned to Luz. "Luz can you leave?" I managed to choke out. She quickly nodded, looking at the anger that was rising in my eyes. She waved goodbye then closed the door. "Why did you-"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" I yelled, burning tears coming out of my eyes. "What's wrong?" they asked, looking at me. "WHATS WRONG???" I shouted, bawling more. I quickly lowered my voice, not wanting to make them mad. "'What's wrong' is that you won't take off for one day to see your daughter preform a song she's been talking about FOR DAYS!" I yelled out, feeling my knees lose feeling.

"Honey.." Raine said, trying to comfort me. "No don't give me that. I've tried to be strong with you gone all the time but I can't take it. I miss you. I want to be with you. You're always gone and never there for me when I need it" I said, falling to my knees. Raine quickly caught me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Iris I'm so sorry" their voice wavering, about to cry. I sobbed in their shirt, feeling my anger and sadness start to release. They put their hand on my hair, brushing it. "I'm sorry" I cried. "I shouldn't have yelled" I felt myself sink in their body. "No don't apologize. I've been prioritizing work when I should've been looking after you" they said, crying with me. We were standing there sobbing by the front door, holding each other in hugs.

I pulled back and wiped away my tears. "I'm glad you're here now" I said looking up at them. "I am too. I'm sorry for not noticing how miserable you've been without me" We hugged again and went to sit on the couch.

"I've missed you a lot. I always think about you at work" Rain said while I felt their chin move on top of my head. I laughed, "really?" I felt them move their head up and down. "Now tell me about your pep rally" They said, letting go of me. I sat up and scooted back so they could see me. I explained everything that happened today. "So what's your song about" Appa asked. "That's a surprise. But I think you're really gonna like it" I smiled. We were talking for a while til I said I was going to take a shower. "Good night I" Raine said while kissing on top of my head. "Good night Appa. I love you"
"I love you too" I heard them say as I walked up the stairs.

I took a long hot shower, thinking about what just happened. I got out and put on my comfort PJs that were just Raines old shirt and pants.

I got up on my bed, pulling out my scroll. I saw a penstagram dms from the two twins I talked to earlier. I opened it and read the messages.

[em_ira] hi iris it's em. what time do you want us to be at school tomorrow to set up?

I started typing,

[electric.iris] depends how long you'll take to set up

[em_ira] we can get it done in 30 minutes top

[electric.iris] then get there around 8:00am

[em_ira] you got it miss Whispers.

I rolled my eyes at the nickname

[electric.iris] see you then

I swiped out of the conversation and saw a follow request. 'badgirlcoven' I accepted it then looked at the posts. It was Eda's account. I laughed at the fact a 40 year old wanted to follow me but I dm'd her anyways.

[electric.iris] hi eda can i talk to Luz?

I waited 5 minutes for an answer

[badgirlcoven] Yah hold on

I waited more and then someone started typing

[badgirlcoven] hi iris! it's luz >:)

[electric.iris] hi luz! sorry about for what happened earlier. we are all good tho they r coming tmrw

[badgirlcoven] WOOO!!! i'm glad it worked out

[electric.iris] oh btw can you get there around 8? i'm meeting Ed and Em so they can help set up

[badgirlcoven] sure!! oh i stole the jacket i'll bring it when i see you HEHE

[electric.iris] thanks :) ttyl

I closed my scroll and put it on my nightstand, eventually falling asleep.


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