the plan

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iris POV

"LUZ!" I yelled as soon as I walked in the doors of Hexside, seeing her plus her friend group. I was holding Raines diary in my hand, waving my other so she would see me. They all turned to me, and I was still running. I tried to slow down as I got closer but that didn't work. I slammed into one of her friends but quickly caught her, my hand on her back as she looked at me.

I immediately lifted her up and asked if she was okay. "I uh.." she stammered. "I'm so sorry I tried to stop but clearly I didn't" I laughed nervously. She pushed her glasses up and put her hair behind her ear. "It's okay!" She chirped, voice slightly cracking "Are you sure?" I asked, wanting to make sure she wasn't hurt. She nodded so I looked at Luz who was standing by a purple haired witch and a shorter witch that looked younger than us.

I put my notebook in her face, showing her it. She slowly pushed it down and raised an eyebrow. "Why did you bring Raines diary?"
"I NEED TO TALK TO YOU" I yelled way more loud then I intended to. Luz looked at her friends and they all said she could go.

We walked to the empty music room, "You might want to sit down" I said. She looked confused but did as I said.
I took a deep breath, getting ready to explain everything.

"Okay so, yesterday I couldn't help but look at Raines journal, before you say anything I know, it's bad of me but whatever don't care. I started reading it and they were talking about a crush they had. They then came home early from work and so we happened to start talking about friends. They said they had one friend blah blah blah BUT they were talking about them like they were very significant. So then I asked if they had a crush on them and they said yes"

Luz cut me off, "What does this have to do with me?" she asked. "Let me finish!" I snapped, stomping my feet.
She laughed then held her hands up in defense.

"Ok anyways, Later that night I started reading more and more then eventually got a name,"
Luz leaned in forward, obviously very interested.
Her eyes got so big, "WHAT" she yelled, almost screamed.
"I KNOW" I yelled back then I quickly got out the diary to show her. I let her read the pages I read last night.

"Oh my god. OH MY GOD THIS IS I DONT EVEN KNOW" Luz yelled again. She pulled out a picture she had in her pocket, showing it to me. It was Raine and Eda blushing at each other when they were about my age. "THATS RAINE" I shouted, getting excited. Luz squealed, "I CANT"
We were both practically jumping up and down til I remembered I had more to say.

"SO I got to thinking. What if we made our song about them?"
Luz thought about it then said to go on.
"okay so I was thinking, Eda isn't seeing anyone?" Luz shook her head in response. "Okay good because when I asked Raine about her they still looked so in love. Like I could see it in their eyes just thinking about her"
"STOP THATS SO CUTE" Luz smiled.
I grinned practically ear to ear. This was going exactly as planned.

"Last night I couldn't stop thinking so I started writing down lyrics, it's not done yet but I thought somehow we can play it to both of them?"

Luzs eyes lit up, "YES!" she shouted. The bell screamed, meaning class was about to start. "Can you come to my house after school? We can start writing more lyrics and figure out a beat."
Luz nodded and then we got up to walk to class.

"Luz, Iris how is your song coming along?" Mr.Carmen asked. I looked at Luz and smiled, "It's going good"
"Do you have a beat or lyrics?" He asked, writing what I said down on my clipboard. "Yeah" I said, half lying. He nodded his head then went to check on other students. Luz looked at me, "We don't have a beat and barely any lyrics!" she whispered. "Pshh its fine! We're gonna figure all it out tonight."

It was finally the end of the day and I was waiting at my locker for Luz like we said.
"HI!" Luz said excitedly. "Come on let's go!" I tugged her and we starting walking out of the school and to my house.

"Okay so I thought maybe it can start with drums so it's like a heart pounding?" I said, but still asking Luz.
"YES! I love that idea" Luz agreed, then got out the sticks to brainstorm on the drum.
"Maybe like super fast since Raine said that their heart was racing" Luz tried out what I said until we landed on the perfect sound. "okay yes yes yes" I mumbled to myself, writing down the beats and notes. I then picked up my electric guitar and said for Luz to keep the beat. I started to mess around on the guitar, seeing what sounded right.

This went on for a couple of hours til we got the tempo and beat we thought was good.

"Now it's time for lyrics.." I said, taking the guitar off my shoulder and sitting down. I bit the tip of my pen and Luz sat beside me. "Lemme see what you have so far" she grabbed my paper and read it.

"This is really good for just brainstorming!" she exclaimed then gave the paper back to me. "I'm trying to go off of Raines journal but also I want a spice of Eda in there." I said, tapping my pen on my notebook.
Luzs eye widened, remembering something. "Eda said that one time she laughed so hard from wanting to ask someone out that she threw up"
I looked up at Luz, "wait that's perfect" I started jotting down lyrics. Luz and I spent an hour or two tweaking the lyrics, drumming the beat and me singing them to see if it sounded good.

It got to a point where we thought everything sounded great and was pleasantly surprised. "We still need to figure out how to play it in front of them WITH both of them there" I said sighing. "You're top student and Raine is head of the Bard Coven, I'm sure you can convince them somehow."

"you're right.." I said under my breath, I quickly stood up. "YOURE RIGHT!" thoughts were racing through my head, and I quickly came up with a plan.

"What if I got the whole class to preform their songs in front of the school like a pep rally? I would make Raine take off, you would make Eda come and boom we can sing it without them even knowing the two of them are there!"

"Iris. You. Are. A. GENIUS" Luz shouted, standing up to hug me. She let go, still excited. "Tomorrow I'll ask Mr.Carmen and then Bump"

"Oh shoot I got to go" Luz said looking at the time, that read 7:33. She picked up her stuff and left.

I was doing this. But what if Raine and Eda didn't like each other anymore?

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