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iris POV

I heard a faint knock on my door and groaned, not wanting to wake up. "Iris?"

I peeked my eyes open and saw Raine kneeling beside me, brushing my hair over my ear. "Honey I have to go to work today...I'm sorry" they whispered. Slowly my eyes opened and I looked at them.

"Okay Appa" I whispered back, still letting them comb my hair back. "I know you told me your friend is coming over later today?" They said, asking to confirm. I nodded my head slowly, still tired. "I'm sorry I can't meet her..maybe another day we can all hang out" they suggested, giving me a smile. I smiled, "That sounds good..but you'd definitely embarrass yourself" I laughed softly.

They rolled their eyes, knowing I was right. "I have to go. I'll be back later tonight okay?" they then leaned in and kissed the top of my head. "Love you. I'll see you later" They got up and started to walk out. "Love you too Raine" I said, closing my eyes and falling back to sleep.

I heard knocks on my door, and I quickly shot up. Looking over to my clock I saw it said 12:21. "Shit shit shit" I got up and ran down the stairs, opening the door.

"Hi Iris-" she looked down at my clothes, realizing I had just woken up. "Sorry... you can come in I just gotta change" I said, letting her walk in. "The couches are over in the room to the left" I said, while walking upstairs to change. I quickly put on an oversized shirt and baggy shorts, leaving my curly hair down. I put on a bit of makeup to look presentable then cleaned up my room, trying to make it not look like a mess. I walked back down stairs, and over to the living room.

"Sorry about that. I overslept" I sheepishly said with a small chuckle. "No it's fine! Your house is really cool by the way.." she said as she looked around at all of the signed band posters that were signed. "Perks of being a daughter of a coven head I guess" I said shrugging my shoulders. "WAIT WHAT!" Luz yelled, in shock at what I just said. "What? You didn't know?" maybe she didn't recognize my last name??

She shook her head, looking confused. I shrugged it off, "Let's go to the music room" I said, motioning her to get up and follow me. I opened the door, and it revealed a huge room with a bunch of different instruments, records all over the wall. "Woahhh" Luz said under her breath, looking at everything. I closed the door behind me, then sat on a beanbag that was in the corner.

"The drums are over there" I pointed towards the right of the room. Luz walked over and pulled them out a bit so she could have some room. "Show me what ya got" I smirked, watching her pull out the drumsticks out of the holder. She took a deep breath then started banging one stick on a drum, keeping a steady beat with the foot drum. Nodding her head to the beat, she played what I'm guessing was a song she knew.

It ended with a hard slash on the cymbal, making it echo across the room. I stood up and started clapping, in shock. "You said you could KINDA play the drums thats like full on pro!!"
She gave a small laugh and smiled, "I haven't played it in a while I didn't want to get your hopes up"
I walked over to where she was, "Well luckily you didn't" I smiled.

"So did you come up with any ideas to do?" Luz asked looking up at me. I shook my head, "No I was too tired and I fell asleep almost as soon as I got home"
"When you left I went to sleep too" She giggled.
We sat in awkward silence til I clapped my hands together, making a loud sound.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked Luz, who was moving her lips side to side. "Hmmm how abouutttt" Luz tapped her chin then looked over at something "You tell me what that is!" I followed her gaze and saw a notebook. "I don't even know what that is.." I said, walking over to it. I picked it up and saw Raines handwriting on it. "Oh it's my Appas" I told Luz. She got up and walked over to see it. "We probably shouldn't open it..." I said, thinking outloud. "But on the other hand" I started opening the notebook and heard it's pages cracking.

"You rebel!" Luz said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and started reading what was written down. My eyebrows furrowed and I went to sit down on the beanbag. "What?!" Luz asked, wanting to know what I was reading. I held my finger out, signaling to give me a minute.

"I've known her for about 4 years now... Why am I just now feeling this?! ...I wonder if she feels the same way"

My eyes widened and I felt my lips start to turn to a smile. "IRIS tell meeee" Luz begged, bending her knees up and down. I looked up at the date, it was from a long time ago. Before I was born. "It's my Appas old diary" I responded, still reading it. Luz quickly stopped and her eyes lit up, but quickly shot down. "We shouldn't be invading their privacy like that" Luz said. I closed the notebook. "You're right, I wouldn't was someone to do this to me"

I suggested we start to brainstorm what we wanted the song to be about. "Do you have anyone in mind that we could sing about?" I asked Luz. "I do have a girlfriend...but I don't know if she would want us to write a song about her" Luz replied. I sighed and we sat in silence trying to think. "UGHH why is this so hard" I said in frustration. "Usually I can make stupid songs up in my head but we actually have to present this" I groaned.

We got distracted and started to mess around on about every instrument in the room.

"HAHA WATCH THIS!" Luz said, blowing in the clarinet and making a loud screech come out of it. She quickly pulled away and laughed "I sound like squidward"

"Who?" I asked, still covering my ears from the high pitch screech. "It's a human show" she said, getting mad at herself that she forgot I wouldn't know what it was. "Have you seem Avatar?" I asked her. She paused then started to get excited. "YOU KNOW AVATAR??" she yelled, running up to me and shaking my shoulders back. I laughed and nodded, "Why do you think I call Raine Appa? It's our favorite show and when I was little I said he reminded me of them so I started calling them that"

Luzs eyes locked into mine, "That. Is. The. CUTEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD" she yelled, yet again. "I bet if you met Raine you'd see how they reminded me of Appa. Their such a softie!" I laughed slightly and Luz was still going on about how cute that the reason I called my parent Appa was because of Avatar.

"Here let's go in my room I have all the seasons on discs" I said. We walked into my room that had a three window book nook, fairy lights all across the room and vines everywhere. "Your room is the coolest ever oh my god" Luzs eyes gazed over to my bed. "YOUR BED IS FLOATING?" She yelled, running over to it. I giggled at her excitement, "Yeah but Appa makes me put it down when I'm asleep since one time I fell off and broke my arm"

She was too memorized by the floating bed to hear what I said. I went looking in my bins for the discs. "Oh here it is!" I pulled out the first season of Avatar. Luz ran over and I let her hold it. Getting up, I took the disc from her hands and opened the case. Making it project on the wall, I closed my curtains, the room now dark and projection was seen clearly.

Luz and I sat down on the window sill and got comfy. "Shh shh it's starting" Luz shushed me but I wasn't even talking.

An hour later we got through 5 episodes. I looked at the clock which said 5:54. "When do you need to be home?" I asked Luz who was still staring at the projection. "6" she replied. "Oh well there's 5 minutes til then"
She scrambled, getting up and walking out the door to grab her stuff. I followed her and watched Luz pick her stuff up then run downstairs. From over the railing I asked her when we could actually get our song done. She looked up and starting talking. "I cant do it tomorrow, maybe monday?"
"Sounds good! I'll try to come up with something for the time being"
She gave me a quick thumbs up then ran out the door.

After I moved everything back to where it was originally I got out my guitar to try and make something up.

I sat on my window sill where Luz and I was sitting earlier. Opening the blinds, I saw people from the town walking around, living their lives. I sighed and started strumming my guitar, humming with the notes. Eventually it turned into a song that was always in my head and I groaned. "I need something original" I said, banging my the back of my head on the wall.


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