Chapter 1

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"Hurry up, you don't want to be late on your first day, do you?"

Your father asked as he watched the hustling and bustling crowds of students in the station. Your mother clicked her tongue as a brunette and redhead walked past you, shaking her head, she spoke.

"Are you certain that this is a good idea, F/N?"

Your mother asked as a look of disgust flashed into her eyes.

"Have you seen them? Those mudbloods?"

She asked again, pointing at a boy who was holding a camera in his hands, you almost rolled your eyes at your mother's words if your brain wasn't functioning properly at all. You never agreed to their beliefs nor believe them, for you, their words were just as empty as their brains thinking they are superior to the muggle-borns.

"I am honestly against it, M/N. But what would you rather do? It's not our fault that Dumbledore's brain is as slow as the tortoise."

Your father retorted, earning a chuckle from your mother, you almost lost it when her mouth opened again to speak.

"That old fool doesn't know how to think, he's a half-blood himself, what do you think?"

She said and squeezed your shoulder blades.

"So if I were you, my dear, stay out of the mudbloods and filthy half breeds, it's disgusting enough to breathe the same air as them."

You did not say anything at all as the whistle blew, indicating that the train was ready to leave, without looking back at your parents, you went inside feeling tired already from their constant bickering.

As if your parents' voices aren't enough to ruin your day, a bright sparkle came shooting- almost burning your hair if you weren't fast enough to duck down. Clutching your chest, you stood, looking straight at the hallway to see two certain redheads smiling goofily at you.

Sighing, you opened the first compartment you saw without saying anything. Luckily, the compartment was empty and you were just about to close the door when someone stopped you by using their feet. Rolling your eyes, you opened the door to see the twins you saw earlier.


You asked, whilst your brows were arched trying to intimidate them, but your demeanour did not wipe those stupid grins off of their faces, instead, they grew wide and before you knew it, the other redhead pushed past you and took a seat.

"A transferee?"

He asked and his twin took a seat next to him, you closed the door while letting out a wistful sigh.

"Obviously," you answered while rolling your eyes.

"Fred and George, at your service."

"So, who's Fred and who's George?"

You asked, your eyes shifting back and forth to the twins who have their stupid grins dancing on their lips again.

"It is for you to find out, however. If you don't mind us asking, which school did you come from?"

One of them asked and leaned down, his chin was resting on his palm.

"Well Gred and Feorge, it is for you guys to find out."

You said, rolling your eyes before closing it, the exhaustion was somehow starting to course through your body once your body finally relaxed on the soft surface.

"You're not going to steal anything, are you?"

You asked without opening your eyes, you heard the both of them dramatically gasped and if your eyes were open, you would've seen them clutching their chest dramatically.

𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 {𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒖𝒔 𝑺𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒆}Where stories live. Discover now