Chapter 3

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A short one coz I'm lazy and this is unedited.

The sunlight seeped through your dorm, illuminating the shadows of your beds with the small particles of dust dancing with the shimmering sunlight. You don't really know how to start this day, you have slept so late last night due to your never-ending works, your assignments were neatly stacked on your bedside table and above them was your wand.

Swinging your legs on the other side of the bed, you took a seat and closed your eyes, remembering the events that happened yesterday. It wasn't a good day, you have talked back to Snape, bumped into him and was sent to detention later this evening. Rolling your eyes, you got up as soon as one of your roommates stood, not wanting to be the last one to use the shower.

Even if you were still sleepy, the coldness of the water made your weak body somehow energetic. Letting out a wistful sigh, you stepped out of the bathroom being fully dressed while casting a drying charm on your hair, Alia and Betty were also awake, both were busy brushing their hairs.


You weren't really sure if this day is going to be perfect, but judging by the look that Snape was giving you from the head table once you entered the Great Hall, made you certain that you'll be sent to hell once again. But you couldn't care less, you just knew the moment that you bumped into him, you will not have the greatest last year in this school.

But still, you managed to eat your breakfast without worrying about what this day would bring upon you. You weren't really a trouble maker in Dursmtrang, nor you talk back to your professors, this was surprisingly the first time that you had managed to get onto someone's nerves and damn the satisfaction you got from it.

But as the day rolled, the weather got worse, the once bright sky turned into a darker one, winds howling as bullets of rains started ricocheting from the sky, creating an earthy smell once it hit the ground.

Your class started pretty well, completely forgetting the fact that you have to serve detention in the Owlery. But as soon as you and your friends made your way to the Dungeons, that's when it hit you like a train that you'll be spending your time under Snape's eyes or maybe only you in the Owlery.

You would rather write thousands of words than clean and deal with Owls' shits.

With a wistful sigh, the three of you made your way inside. Snape wasn't in there yet and that made you sigh in relief knowing that you still have the time for yourself to enjoy the book you just borrowed in the library. It wasn't really your type of book, but the plot will do- it was all about how love can be unexpected to someone who experienced love in a ruthless game.

"I suggest you keep that book shut, L/N before I take points from your house."

Snape's voice made you shut your book, your heartbeat quickened from his sudden appearance, as he said those words, his robes came swishing past you, making you close your eyes as your nose inhaled his manly scent.

"Good afternoon, I guess."

Shutting your book, you rolled your eyes as Severus also began to give instructions about the potion that you will be making. It was a pretty hard one, and you know you will not be able to make it without a helping hand.

As you started your potions, you could not help but let your eyes wander to the potions master who was grading some parchment. The way his brows were knitted in concentration made him somehow attractive to your eyes. Maybe Alia was right all along, he is indeed hot, but that doesn't make you forget that he was an asshole.

As your class went on, you had managed to brew the potion with no trouble, and surprisingly, the class ended peacefully and it was a surprise that you did not let yourself get into Snape's nerves.

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