Chapter 18

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Warnings; slight food play.

You were spent after Severus had fucked you on all fours, your hair was damp and your muscles were all sore after the intense session, though you could not change the fact that you had enjoyed it. His caring side was creeping through his dark demeanour and it was something you would love to cherish until it lasts.

Severus was never been this caring, never, except to her. It was an understatement to say that it would take a lot of time for him to open up, or even let his walls crack down and crash. Only you, you were the only one who had somehow let his guard down. He was carefree and less snarky now that he's inside his house, with you, and he was more open about his opinion, not that he was not before and Severus had somehow managed to crack little jokes for you.

But you knew his actions were only to cheer you up and it was helping you, it was like your once dark clouded world has lighted up the moment he had showered you an immeasurable amount of care which was very unexpected coming from a man who was Severus. It was very ironic to say that the dark, brooding and snarky man had brought such a tiny amount of light into your life and you knew it will grow more like a flower in summer.

You were baking cookies and cupcakes with him after having a bath together, enjoying each other's bodies warmth. It took a lot of pleading and kisses from you to persuade him into something he was not used to, but Severus could not disagree that you looked quite cute as you let your goofy side shine through like a star in the night, it was intoxicating, you were intoxicating.

As you were moulding the dough, your other hand slipped out and smacked Severus' ass, causing him to look at you with wide eyes and his cheeks reddened.

"You got a nice ass, sir." You said as you squeezed it, causing his cheeks to became redder from your actions and words. His rear became white from the flour from your hands, though Severus did not mind, he only raised his eyebrows at you.

"I did not know you are a fan of spanking, Miss L/N." He said, his palm landed on your butt cheek, causing a yelp to escape your lips.

"Oh, I love a good spanking, professor." You said, your lips were shaking as you tried holding your laughter. His redness became prominent and a smirk was dancing on his lips from your words.

"I admire your boldness, Y/N. But I do believe that this is not the right place to bring such naughtiness, is it? Or do you wish for me to bend you over and smack you instead?" He asked, placing the dough down and his smirk only grew wider to see your face reddened.

You were searching your mind with smart remarks you could throw at him, but to your dismay, you failed. But instead for a lack of words, grieving, you cheekily smiled at him and continued baking.

By the time you finished baking, the snow had started falling again and the smell of chocolate, cinnamon and cookies lingered in the air as it finished. This is what you two had decided to spend your own Christmas, no parties and turkeys, just cookies and cupcakes that both of you had baked with whipped cream on top.

You two were sitting in the sofa bed by the window, looking through the world before you with a mug of hot chocolate in both of your hands, your head was laying on his shoulders. Severus was flicking through the old pages of his textbook, while you, you were just enjoying the peace and solidarity that this world could offer.

As you fiddled with your fingers around the mug, that is when you only remember the cufflinks that you had for Severus.

"Severus?" You asked, it was still weird to use his name, but you will get used to it, eventually. Severus only hummed and tilted his head at you slightly in response to your call.

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