Chapter 11

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You were surprised - shocked even to see her in front of Snape's office. She was in her complete uniform and a look of curiosity was dancing in her forget-me-not blue eyes. It was as if she was trying to read your expression as she eyed you up and down. You could say that she was surprised to see you too at this hour, especially in the office of someone she knew you despise so well.

"What are you doing here?"

You asked, trying to flat out your robes that were wrinkled from the night that you and Severus shared in the comfort of his chambers. Betty crossed her arms to her chest before clearing her throat to say something, but instead, she pointed at her chest, a silver prefect badge was shining despite the slight darkness in the Dungeons.

"I am a prefect and I was trying to do some rounds." She explained, her eyes stopped at your collar and there was a glint in those eyes before she flickered to your not so obvious nervous expression.

"Early in the morning?"

You asked, both of you began your journey out from the Dungeons, your shoes echoing in the empty hallway as you tried to catch Betty's long strides. She seemed to have something in her mind, her hands were hastily fixing her glasses before she looked at you with an irritated look.

"I could ask you the same. What were you doing in Professor Snape's office?"

The irritation in her voice grew obvious and your ears could even catch the slight raise of her voice. You were caught off guard by her question, your eyes beginning to shift from the floor to her face. But you could not really tell, it was too risky to do so.

"I was serving detention and I fell asleep," you tried explaining, your voice almost cracked from the desperation not to let Betty know, but you knew your explanation will not turn Betty down.

"You were serving detention the whole night?" She asked, her eyebrows were raised and she uncrossed her arms to pull you towards the Great Hall once the both of you successfully made your way there.

"Yes, remember when McGonagall asked me to go to her office?"

You said, the Great Hall was surprisingly not full with students considering that it was Saturday, you guessed that some of them might have decided to oversleep and enjoy the warmth that their beds have provided as the weather outside got bitter and bitter.

"Are you certain?" She asked, taking another glance at you before she took a seat and left you standing there on your own.

Betty only hummed as she began piling food on her plate, completely forgetting the fact that she had almost caught you in Snape's office. She looked like she was over it and you were glad to say that she did not pester you after that.


Monday rolled as if nothing had happened, you were beginning to worry about where you might have put your house tie, you were pretty sure you had it last Friday. Pacing hastily inside your dorm, you crouched down to your bed in hopes of finding it there, but unfortunately, what welcomed your hopeful eyes were dust and cobwebs underneath your bed.

"You're not giving up, are you?" Alia asked, she was standing on the doorframe with her back against it, her arms crossed to her chest as she waited patiently for you.

"Do you really expect me to show up in class without my tie?" You were irritated by her, she wasn't helping at all, nor did she bother to do so.

"Of course not, you're too obedient to even break a damn rule." She sarcastically said, making you glare at her for a brief moment before you decided to give up from looking for your tie.

𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 {𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒖𝒔 𝑺𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒆}Where stories live. Discover now